Norwegian Journalist: “I Would Love To Die From The AstraZeneca Vaccine” – Mac Slavo SHTF Plan

A Norwegian journalist has come out declaring bluntly that she “would love to die from the AstraZeneca vaccine.”  TV presenter Linn Wiik wrote the dogmatic statement claiming some “must be sacrificed in the war against the coronavirus.”

Wiik says that as long as her death eases vaccine hesitancy overtaking the experimental gene therapies that are intentionally  falsely labeled as vaccines, she’d be fine with being killed by Big Pharma. I really am not sure how people dying from the jab is going to help the public relations that are already having problems getting people to line up for this thing.

“Some must be sacrificed in the war against the corona,” Wiik wrote on Monday in an opinion piece for Norway’s TV 2. “That’s the way it is in all wars. This time, it may well be me.” Her headline stated bluntly:

“I would love to die from the AstraZeneca vaccine. -RT

Wiik’s dramatic take on the vaccine came amid rising concerns over possibly serious side effects from AstraZeneca’s jab. Use of the product has been suspended or restricted in a dozen European countries after some recipients suffered serious conditions after receiving the jab.

Wiik also said that even if the often fatal side effects are proven to be linked to the vaccine, she will happily take it anyway. All medicines have side effects, she said, and vaccines are the only “way out of the trenches” in the war against Covid-19. “Someone must be sacrificed for the rest to be safe,” she added, noting that vaccines offer great benefits and “extremely low” per-capita risks.

Do you know what else has lower per capita risks? Letting your body handle the coronavirus.  Oh, the horror! Real herd immunity? We couldn’t have that, now could we?

The AstraZeneca vaccine in particular has been under fire for its severe and debilitating side effects.

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The post Norwegian Journalist: “I Would Love To Die From The AstraZeneca Vaccine” first appeared on SHTF Plan – When It Hits The Fan, Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You.
A Norwegian journalist has come out declaring bluntly that she “would love to die from the AstraZeneca vaccine.”  TV presenter Linn Wiik wrote the dogmatic statement claiming some “must be sacrificed in the war against the coronavirus.”
The post Norwegian Journalist: “I Would Love To Die From The AstraZeneca Vaccine” first appeared on SHTF Plan – When It Hits The Fan, Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You.
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