Not Ukrainians’ War, But Foreign Mercenaries’ War: Majority Of Kiev’s Soldiers In Zaporozhye Region Are Foreigners

The number of foreigners exceeded half of the personnel of the Kiev’s Armed Forces in the Zaporozhye direction.

Vladimir Rogov told TASS earlier that he did not rule out that US Democrats had tasked Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky to demonstrate military successes by the midterm elections in the United States on November 8, TASS reports

MOSCOW, November 7. /TASS/. Foreigners may be accounting for more than half of Ukrainian troops deployed to the Zaporozhye Region, Vladimir Rogov, leader of the We Are Together with Russia, said on Monday.

The share of foreigners in the Zaporozhye direction has probably exceeded 50% [of Ukraine’s manpower],” he said in an interview with the Komsomolskaya Pravda daily.

About 13 thousand people who returned after training and training at the western training grounds, first of all in Britain and Poland, were immediately transferred to the Zaporozhye and Kherson areas. Vladimir Zelensky “asks how it is possible to throw all the forces more actively, even without leaving a normal reserve in manpower.”

The situation on the front line in the Zaporizhzhye region remains alarming: not the first week there, they expect the attack of Kiev’s troops, although the situation is stable today.

Energodar with Zaporozhskaya AES and Berdyansk can become the two main directions of the enemy’s possible attack. On the Zaporizhye direction, the authorities have noted, a set of Ukrainian connections will be regrouped. 

Rogov told TASS earlier that he did not rule out that US Democrats had tasked Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky to demonstrate military successes by the midterm elections in the United States on November 8. This is why, in his words, Ukrainian forces are showing increased activity in the Zaporozhye direction, where they may venture an offensive.

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