Obama’s “Warning” About India’s Balkanization Show That Liberal-Globalists Are Still A Threat – Andrew Korybko

Instead of taking the loss and focusing on other geopolitical targets that they have a much greater chance of influencing, both with respect to those countries’ internal affairs as well as in shaping their own country’s policy towards them, the liberal-globalists threw down the gauntlet against India.

Former US President Obama warned last week that “there is a strong possibility that India at some point starts pulling apart” if it “do[es] not protect the rights of ethnic minorities”. His innuendo implying that this country is supposedly at risk of ‘Balkanization’ shows that the liberalglobalist faction of the US’ permanent policymaking bureaucracy is still a threat despite their pragmatic rivals having regained their influence in guiding bilateral relations. This is no small challenge and must be taken very seriously.

India is a rapidly rising Great Power that envisages becoming a world leader throughout the course of the ongoing global systemic transition to multipolarity. Its leadership is planning for their country to function as the supreme balancing force in the New Cold War, to which end it’s striving to informally lead the Global South in order to help fellow developing countries multialign between the US-led West’s Golden Billion and the Sino-Russo Entente. India’s desired role will help stabilize International Relations.

The US Finally Realized The Futility Of Trying To Force India Into Vassalhood” after the liberal-globalists’ related pressure campaign over the past sixteen months failed and their pragmatic rivals convinced decisionmakers to recalibrate their approach following Ashely J. Tellis’ article about this in early May. In hindsight, his piece represented a turning point whereby the US tacitly decided to accept India’s envisaged role in the emerging order and work with it as an equal partner to advance shared interests.

Instead of taking the loss and focusing on other geopolitical targets that they have a much greater chance of influencing, both with respect to those countries’ internal affairs as well as in shaping their own country’s policy towards them, the liberal-globalists threw down the gauntlet against India. Obama’s ominous words show that this faction is going rogue and defying their newly re-ascending pragmatic rivals’ will by unilaterally attempting to catalyze India’s ‘Balkanization’.

This isn’t speculation either like skeptics might instinctively claim but premised on the precedent of the BBC’s “documentary” earlier this year unexpectedly reviving an over two-decade-long incident for the purpose of dividing-and-ruling Indians on an identity basis. Infamous Color Revolution financier George Soros shortly thereafter issued a de facto declaration of Hybrid War against India by basically calling for regime change against Prime Minister Modi during mid-February’s Munich Security Conference.

Like the BBC before him did just one month prior, Soros also tried exploiting identity differences within India’s historically cosmopolitan civilization-state to provoke anti-state violence for the purpose of weakening its democratically elected government on the path towards ultimately replacing it. Obama’s related meddling one-third of a year later during Prime Minister Modi’s state visit to the US suggests that efforts towards this end will continue for purely ideological reasons.

After all, the unprecedentedly strong Indian-US strategic partnership is mutually beneficial at present, especially after America realized the futility of trying to force that South Asian Great Power into vassalhood following Tellis’ pragmatic proposal to accept its independent foreign policy. There’s no credible reason for the US to rock the boat and risk worsening these relations, ergo the conclusion that the liberal-globalists want to do so for ideological reasons divorced from objective reality.

In their minds, India’s successful defiance of their multidimensional pressure campaign over the past sixteen months discredited the US’ so-called “rules-based order” that they never tire of ranting about nowadays. Not only did it bravely refuse to dump Russia, which was already bad enough from their perspective, but it continues practicing its own national model of democracy that’s increasingly becoming immunized from foreign interference like that which the West exerts in most other states.

Even worse in their eyes is the fact that this aforesaid national model is impervious to pressure upon it to privilege the communal interests of minorities over the majority as is currently the trend in most Western countries. The preceding observation is ‘sacrilegious’ from the standpoint of this ‘secular religion’s’ dogma, which explains why the liberal-globalists will never forgive India and instead remain obsessed with destabilizing it for reasons related to reaffirming their ideology’s supposed ‘universality’.

All told, India humiliated this faction – which is more akin to a cult – on three fronts: the foreign policy one regarding Russia; the domestic political one with respect to retaining its national model of democracy; and the socio-cultural front when it comes to refusing to privilege minorities. Accordingly, the liberal-globalists remain hellbent on waging Hybrid War against it, which places Obama’s latest remarks in their appropriate strategic context and shows what a serious threat his ilk remains.

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