OBEY: New York becomes first state to launch “vaccine passport” for coronavirus jab recipients – Ethan Huff – NaturalNews.com
(Natural News) In order to once again attend sporting events at Madison Square Garden, visit art galleries or eat at restaurants, New Yorkers will soon need an “Excelsior Pass,” the nation’s first “vaccine passport” for recipients of Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injections. The program will require New Yorkers to either receive a “vaccine” or test “negative”…

(Natural News) In order to once again attend sporting events at Madison Square Garden, visit art galleries or eat at restaurants, New Yorkers will soon need an “Excelsior Pass,” the nation’s first “vaccine passport” for recipients of Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injections. The program will require New Yorkers to either receive a “vaccine” or test “negative”…
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