On The 40 Days Of Daria’s Passing

On August 20, at the age of 29, Daria Dugina, a Russian philosopher and journalist who dedicated her life to the cause of a multipolar world and the restoration of Tradition, was murdered. For us, she was a comrade. This Wednesday marked the 40th day of her passing, ending the traditional period of Orthodox Christian mourning.

Daria held no public office in the Russian state, either administrative or military; she simply researched, thought, wrote, and disseminated her ideas. In this sense, what the terrorist forces that murdered her were aiming at was not so much to strike her physical body as to annihilate her ideas. By this, of course, we do not mean to convey a “passive” image of Daria.

On the contrary, we can only acknowledge in her the fiery philosopher-warrior spirit akin to the high castes in traditional Indo-European communities. As a Platonic philosopher, with her feet firmly set in this Indo-European tradition, her war was waged on the higher planes against the dark material powers whose political and geopolitical expression we see today precisely in the post-modern and transhumanist Atlanticist West.

It is therefore in this sense that we lose a comrade in this holy, eternal, millennial war between the Transcendent Light and the Nameless Darkness. But this sacrifice on the battlefield (today the front is, after all, everywhere), by fire, simply awakened Daria to a new existence. For today, her name becomes the standard for all the Russian combatants in the Special Military Operation, and for all of us, traditionalists and dissidents around the world, members of this “Global Revolutionary Alliance,” who try to wage the same spiritual, intellectual, political, philosophical war, on the battlefronts of our own countries, on every continent, against the representatives and agents of the same dark forces that murdered Daria.

Thus, as even the Mexican comrade Fernando Trujillo has already commented, Daria is like Joan of Arc in this “10,000 Years War” against Anti-Tradition and Modernity, which reaches its culmination in our days. As a symbol, she is eternal and her light will guide us to Victory.

The murder of a philosopher, a historically rare event, is never casual, never irrelevant. It is always significant and something always capable of revealing a mystery. As a Neoplatonist, Daria also reminds us, to some extent, of Hypatia, one of the last Neoplatonists of antiquity, from the final times of Old Rome, just as Daria was one of the first Neoplatonists at the dawn of a new Empire of Tradition.

The ideas she championed: Fourth Political Theory, Multipolarity, Tradition, Noomachia, Political Platonism, Empire, have received her “baptism of blood”. These ideas cause unspeakable terror in the Enemy, and there are people willing to pay the ultimate price in their defense. The black flag with the golden rays of the Hvareno is today a “flag of blood”, as victory banners have always been.

On a closer and more personal dimension, I can’t help but point out that she has always been kind and friendly to Nova Resistência and our comrades. She welcomed and helped us when some of us went to Sochi for the World Youth Festival, and she was willing and eager to arrange an interview with us to our channel. In practice, she was even a comrade that I was sure I would meet in person “eventually”. Well, this “eventually” we have now postponed until after the end of this Cycle, that’s okay.

Having talked with our comrades after all this, I can say, at this moment, that in spite of everything I feel a kind of certainty, a superior conviction, even of inner peace, greater than before. Now we know what the Enemy is capable of, and how far he intends to go to continue imprisoning this world and parasitizing its peoples.

And we accept the possible consequences that participating in this fight can bring. Daria’s light guides us.

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