Only A Quarter Of Americans Support US Involvement In War Over Ukraine

An Associated Press poll has found that just 26 percent of Americans believe their country should be playing a major role in the conflict between Ukraine and Russia.

Jennifer Rau, a 51-year-old mother of three adopted teenagers who lives on Chicago’s South Side, said she listens to local public radio for her world news. But in recent days, when the news turns to Russia and Ukraine, she has started to turn it off.

“I’m so frustrated. It’s enough. We’re bombarded,” Rau said. “There are other stories in Chicago that need to be covered.”

Rau is a political independent who voted for Biden. But she believes the U.S. gets involved in foreign wars to make money. She is more concerned about rising crime in Chicago, the prevalence of guns, and systemic racism that affects her three children, who are Hispanic.

“I just feel like there’s a war going on in the United States, every day, in Chicago,” she said. “And it is really scary. And I feel like no one helps us.”

Edward Eller, a 67-year-old retiree from Shady Valley, Tennessee, said the White House needs to focus on lowering oil prices.

They want to send millions of dollars of ours to stop a war that we have nothing to do with,” he said. “I’m sorry they’re involved in a mess, but it’s not our problem.”

Meanwhile, a Gallup poll found that only 36 percent of Americans think Joe Biden is doing a good job on the “situation with Russia,” while 55 per cent disapprove of his performance.

Only 64 percent of Democrats approve of the way Biden has handled the situation, with just 35 per cent of independent voters expressing approval.

Only 11 percent of Republicans offered the same support.

The trends in approval of Biden’s handling of specific issues follow the same trajectory as the trend in his overall approval rating. The issue approval ratings were above the majority level early in his presidency, showed a significant drop in the summer of 2021, and dropped further in the fall.

Americans’ approval of Biden for handling the coronavirus situation has consistently been his best among these issues, averaging eight percentage points higher than his foreign affairs and economic approval ratings.

Trend in President Joe Biden Rating on Specific Issues
Figures are the percentage approving of Biden’s handling of the issue
Feb. 2021 Aug. 2021 Nov. 2021 Feb. 2022
% % % %
The response to the coronavirus 67 51 49 47
Foreign affairs 56 46 38 40
The economy 54 46 38 37
The situation with Russia n/a 39 n/a 36
Note: Wording for Russia item in August was “Relations with Russia.”

Significantly fewer Democrats approve of how Biden is handling the economy (72%), foreign affairs (71%) and the Russian situation (64%) than approve of his overall performance. Democrats’ approval for the president’s handling of the coronavirus response is similar to their evaluation of the job he is doing overall.

Independents are most critical of Biden’s economic stewardship, with 30% approving, compared with ratings of 35% or higher on the other issues. Republicans also rate Biden slightly worse on the economy than on the other issues.

Approval of President Joe Biden Handling of Issues, by Political Party
Democrats Independents Republicans
% % %
The response to the coronavirus 81 45 12
Foreign affairs 71 37 10
The economy 72 30 6
The situation with Russia 64 35 11
GALLUP FEB. 1-17, 2022

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