Outraged Dutch Farmers Block Food Distribution Centers, Dutch Fishermen Join The Blockade

Dutch farmers who are livid over government plans to cut nitrogen emissions by 50% – 95% have now taken to blocking food distribution centers in protest of the plan, which would shutter an estimated one-third of farms in the Netherlands.

Dutch farmers used tractors and trucks Monday to block roads and supermarket distribution centers, sparking fears of store food shortages in the latest actions through a summer of discontent in the country’s lucrative agricultural sector.

The Netherlands’ busiest aviation hub, Schiphol Airport, urged travelers to use public transport to get to its terminals amid fears that the blockades also would target airports. Fishermen acting out of solidarity with farmers also blocked a number of harbors.

The unrest among Dutch farmers was triggered by a government proposal to slash emissions of pollutants like nitrogen oxide and ammonia by 50% by 2030. Provincial governments have been given a year to formulate plans to achieve the goal.

Disrupting food supply

Farmers are blocking food distribution centres of major supermarkets in the Netherlands like Jumbo, Lidl, and Albert Heijn, reports the NOS.

In the case of Lidl, three distribution centres all over the country are currently blocked. Supermarket giant Albert Heijn lets customers know that those who ordered their groceries online will have to wait on their orders due to the protests.

Solidarity from fishermen

In support of the farmers protests, fishermen have also come together to block the harbour of Den Helder.

That means that there is currently no ferry available to transport visitors from the Dutch mainland to the popular island Texel, says the NOS. A similar protest is blocking the harbour in Lauwersoog and Ijmuiden.

Dozens more parked their tractors on a bridge over a canal, forcing freight barges to moor up on either side because the bridge could not open to let them pass.

The reforms are expected to include reducing livestock and buying up some farms whose animals produce large amounts of ammonia. Farmers argue they are being unfairly targeted and are being given no perspective for their future.

Police looked on but did not immediately take action Monday as some 25 tractors parked outside a distribution center for supermarket chain Albert Heijn in the town of Zaandam, just north of Amsterdam. Placards and banners affixed to the tractors read messages including, “Our farmers, our future.”

A tractor at another protest, in the northern town of Drachten, urged people to “think for a moment about what you want to eat without farmers.”

The umbrella organization for supermarkets called on police to take action and warned of possible shortages on supermarket shelves.

“Blockades of distribution centers hurt the citizens of the Netherlands. Supermarkets do everything they can to keep the stores stocked, but if blockades continue, it could lead to people not being able to do their daily shopping,” the Central Bureau for Food Trade said in a statement.

Traffic authorities warned motorists to prepare for delays and possible slow-moving tractors on the nation’s highways, but said that there were few problems early Monday for commuters, possibly because many people opted to work from home rather than get stuck in traffic.

Over the weekend, the government appointed an intermediary to lead talks between farmers’ organizations and officials drawing up pollution reduction measures. However, Prime Minister Mark Rutte has ruled out negotiating with farmers responsible for radical protests.

Mainstream farming lobby group LTO described the mediator, Johan Remkes, as “an administrative heavyweight with deep knowledge” of the issues and said it was open to talks with him.

According to LTO, there are nearly 54,000 agricultural businesses in the Netherlands with exports totaling 94.5 billion euros in 2019.

Some 25 tractors parked outside a distribution center in the city of Zaandam, just north of Amsterdam, donning banners which read “Our farmers, our future” and other slogans, according to the Fresh Fruit Portal.

Dutch supermarkets today. No farms, no food. Dutch farmers wins.

Fisherman in the country have also begun blocking ports in solidarity with the farmers.

A tractor at another protest, in the northern town of Drachten, urged people to “think for a moment about what you want to eat without farmers.”

The strike has sparked fears of supermarket food shortages, as fishermen have also blocked a number of harbors in an act of solidarity.

“Supermarkets do everything they can to keep the stores stocked, but if blockades continue, it could lead to people not being able to do their daily shopping,” the Central Bureau for Food Trade said in a statement.

In addition, traffic authorities warned of delays and possible slow-moving tractors on the nation’s highways, while Schiphol Airport urged travelers to use public transport to get to its terminals amid fears that the blockades also would target airports. -Fresh Fruit Portal

The upcoming reforms are expected to include a reduction in livestock, as well as buying up farms whose animals produce large volumes of ammonia.

Meanwhile, undercover cops were reportedly ousted from a protest over the weekend.

Undercover police tried to infiltrate the Dutch farmers protest but they got caught 🤣

This is what Dutch police undercover agents look like, making arrests during a demonstration from farmers. I don’t think this would go over well with the global community. This is something they accuse dictators of. Like putin. But this happend in the Netherlands.

Earlier in the weekend, farmers poured mature on government offices in protest.

Dutch farmers protesting outside the home of the Minister for Nitrogen & Nature Policy against the govts plan to target the livestock sector with nitrogen emission cuts.

The plan could see up to 30% reduction in livestock farming & farms out of business.

The Dutch protesters are pouring manure on government offices, flooding streets, and becoming all together ungovernable. This uprising is in response to the WEF controlled government shutting down farms to “save the planet.” You have to see this: 

In short, don’t fuck with farmers. 

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