Overhyped, Expensive And Ineffective NATO Weapons, Including German Leopard Tanks, Destroyed And Burning All Across Donbass And Zaporozhye

German tanks on Russian soil again, it cant end well for the Germans. Hundreds of Kiev and NATO tanks and military equipment burning while Russian strategic reserves remain untouched, we could be seeing the Kursk 2.0. Both Western and Russian sources are reporting heavy Ukrainian losses, 50 tanks destroyed in the first week of Kiev’s “spring offensive”, and over 5,000 Kiev’s forced conscripts are casualties of the suicidal meat-grinder where western vassal Zelensky throws them. Also the puppet comedian held a security meeting with previously “key figures” of Zaluzhny and Budanov missing.

Ukraine’s “spring offensive” has begun, including using all types of NATO-provided armor and weapons. Visual evidence is emerging of burning Leopard 2 tanks, US Bradley fighting vehicles, and other equipment as Ukraine struggles to punch through Russia’s security zone and reach its first defensive lines.

The Ukrainian military has suffered “significant” casualties in its faltering attempt to mount a counteroffensive against Russian forces, US officials told CNN on Thursday. While Kiev has kept quiet about its losses, Moscow estimates that the offensive has already cost Ukraine almost 5,000 lives.

In just the last 24 hours, nine Ukrainian tanks, including four Leopard 2s, have been destroyed, Russia’s Defense Ministry has said on 10th of June. All attempts to advance by Kiev forces have been fruitless, Russia’s Defense Ministry has said.

Over the past 24 hours, Ukraine “continued fruitless attempts to carry out offensive operations” in the south of Russia’s Donetsk People’s Republic, near the city of Artyomovsk and in Zaporozhye Region, the ministry’s spokesman, Lieutenant General Igor Konashenkov, said during a briefing on Saturday.

Besides the nine tanks, Kiev forces are also down eleven armored personnel carriers, which include five US-supplied Bradley fighting vehicles, 14 armored cars and a French-made Caesar self-propelled howitzer, he pointed out.

The Ukrainian military’s losses in terms of manpower during the period has reached up to 300 troops in the last 24 houts, according to Konashenkov.

There is a lot of video now of both Bradley and Leopard tanks being blown up.

A day earlier, on Friday, Russia’s Defense Ministry released its latest battlefield report in which it claimed that Ukraine had lost up to 1,240 troops and 39 tanks in just 24 hours. The losses are in addition to the heavy toll suffered during a week when Kiev is believed to have finally launched its long-anticipated counteroffensive.

The ministry claimed that Ukraine’s armed forces also lost 30 infantry fighting vehicles, 38 armored vehicles, dozens of pieces of artillery and other military hardware, as well as two military jets, two UK-supplied Storm Shadow cruise missiles, and 13 drones.


And then one more day earlier, on Thursday, Colonel-General Aleksandr Romanchuk, a commander of a Russian unit operating in Zaporozhye Region, reported that Kiev’s forces had lost over 30 tanks during an overnight offensive. Ukrainian losses also reportedly included up to 350 personnel, as well as three Leopard tanks and more than 10 infantry fighting vehicles.

According to Romanchuk, the first losses suffered by the Ukrainian army were during an attempt to cross a minefield. The official claimed that four tanks had been destroyed, as well as a demining machine.

He stated that Russian forces had then opened fire on Ukrainian troops, who chose to abandon their plan to cross the minefield.



Meanwhile, the White House is unfazed and this CNN video is entitled “Ukraine claims new progress in key advance against Russia”: Hard to say anything positive about this. After initially losing 4 M2A2 Bradley ODS-SA IFVs, 1 Leopard 2A6 and a BMR-2 armored demining vehicle in one location, 4 more M2A2 Bradley ODS-SA IFVs drove to the exact same position and started taking loses.

Analysts are in shock – “we are seeing an utter failure, an utter catastrophe … we cannot continue to say these are probing attacks … it doesn’t make sense.” “It has achieved nothing.” 

Remember how @vonderleyen told the world that Russia has to use refrigerator parts for their weapons because of western sanctions? Watch those refrigerators parts destroy the Ukrainian counter-offensive. Russia is making the NATO alliance look like fools.

What’s happening?? Zelenskyy called this gathering “Stavka” mimicking Joseph Stalin highest command conclave. Where is Zaluhzny? Where is Budanov?? No military commander and no intelligence boss. And look on that faces! This is a people whom we sending our money in billions.


Defense Minister Shoigu on Wednesday has spoken about Russian and Ukrainian losses in a 3-day clash. Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu has personally reported on the start of Ukraine’s “long-promised offensive”.

AMX-10RC wheeled battle tanks abandoned by Kyiv’s troops

Ukrainian forces lost over 3,700 men and more than 50 tanks in a futile attempt to break through on several fronts, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said on Tuesday. He also revealed Russian casualties during the three days of heavy fighting.

“Over a three-day period, the Ukrainian regime began the long-promised offensive on multiple sections of the front, concentrating a large amount of men and materiel for that purpose,” Shoigu said in a video address.

The losses of Ukraine’s armed forces since June 4 include 3,715 personnel, 52 tanks, 207 armored vehicles, 134 cars, five airplanes, two helicopters, 48 field artillery pieces and 53 drones, Shoigu said in a video message.

“Unfortunately, this was not without casualties of our own,” the defense minister added. While defeating the adversary’s attempt to advance, the Russian military suffered 71 dead, 210 wounded, and the destruction of 15 tanks, nine armored vehicles, two cars and nine artillery pieces, according to Shoigu.

The heaviest fighting took place Monday, with five Ukrainian brigades attacking on seven sections of the frontline. In these clashes, the Ukrainians suffered more than 1,600 casualties and the loss of 136 vehicles, 79 of which were of foreign origin, Shoigu explained. Of the 28 destroyed tanks, eight were German-made ‘Leopards’ and three more the French wheeled AMX-10.

Ukraine “suffered significant and incomparable losses” and did not achieve any of its objectives, the Russian defense minister noted.

Shoigu accused the Ukrainian government of destroying the Kakhovka dam in order to cover its flank along the Dnieper River and prevent a Russian advance, while freeing up troops from that part of the front to redeploy in order to make up the losses elsewhere. 

As proof that Ukraine was behind what he called a terrorist act, Shoigu noted that the Dnepropetrovsk hydroelectric plant – under Ukrainian control, further up the river – significantly increased the water flow and contributed to the flooding. Kiev has blamed Moscow and denied any responsibility for the disaster.

Shoigu seldom comments on the course of operations personally, usually leaving the combat reports to the department spokesman, Lt. Gen. Igor Konashenkov. Meanwhile, the Ukrainian defense ministry has urged everyone to keep quiet.

Fighting continued on Tuesday, with the Ukrainian forces suffering 260 more casualties, five tanks, four armored vehicles, and nine artillery pieces – including a French Cesar and an American M777 – the Russian Defense Ministry said in an evening update.

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Russia’s Defense Ministry said on Monday, 5th of June that 11 tanks supplied to Ukraine by NATO had been wiped out

Russia’s Defense Ministry has released a video it claims shows Western-supplied equipment being destroyed during fighting in Ukraine. The footage, published on Tuesday, shows what the ministry stated was a German-made Leopard tank being hit by a Russian anti-tank missile.

The black-and-white video shows four pieces of heavy equipment, one of which resembles a German-made Leopard tank standing with its turret turned to the side. The footage then shows a missile striking the vehicle. It also features imagery of other – apparently Ukrainian – pieces of heavy equipment being struck from various distances.

The video was released a day after the Russian Defense Ministry claimed that eight Leopard tanks and three French-manufactured AMX-10 wheeled tanks had been destroyed by Russian forces on Monday as they successfully repelled a large-scale attack by Ukrainian troops in several parts of Donetsk and Zaporozhye Regions.

Kiev lost more than 1,500 servicemen, 28 tanks and 109 other armored vehicles in the botched offensive on Monday, the ministry said in a statement. Ukrainian troops tried for several days to attack Russian positions, the ministry stated, adding that such attempts were unsuccessful.

Ukraine’s total losses over the three days of fighting amounted to 3,715 service members, 52 tanks, 207 armored fighting vehicles, five aircraft, two helicopters and 48 artillery pieces, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said in a statement on Tuesday.

Russia lost 71 servicemen, 15 tanks, nine infantry fighting vehicles and nine artillery pieces over the same period, the minister added.

The Defense Ministry had earlier published a separate video showing NATO-supplied military equipment, including several MRAP vehicles, being destroyed by Russian strikes.

Kiev has not commented on the supposed losses. Ukrainian Deputy Defense Minister Anna Maliar confirmed only that Ukrainian forces had launched “offensive actions” in certain areas. She also described the clashes in the southern part of the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Zaporozhye Region as “local fighting.”

As of the morning of June 6, the offensive attempts of the Kyiv regime in Zaporozhye Region have resulted in no notable success on the battleground. Russian forces inflicted significant damage to the advancing units. Kyiv actively employed NATO-supplied equipment including International MaxxPRO MRAPs, AMX-10RC armoured fighting vehicles (often described as wheeled battle tanks) and Leopard battle tanks.

According to the Russian Defense Ministry, on June 5, the main direction of the efforts of the Kyiv regime was the Southern Donetsk direction:

During June 5, the enemy continued the offensive, concentrating the main efforts on Vremevka outpost in South Donetsk direction.

Having suffered heavy losses the day before, the Kiev regime reorganised the remnants of the 23rd and 31st mechanised brigades into separate combined units, which continued the offensive operations  close to Novodarovka and Levadnoye. In addition, a new brigade was brought into the action in this area.

At the same time, the enemy launched an offensive in the direction of Oktyabrsky state farm and Novodonetskoye by the 37th Marine Infantry Brigade with the reinforcements based on the units of the AFU 68th Mountain Jaeger Brigade.

The enemy was attacked with a comprehensive fire attack by Army, Ground-Assault and Operational-Tactical aviation, Missile Troops and Artillery, as well as heavy flamethrower systems.

As a result of active and self-sacrificing actions of the Vostok Group of Forces, which displayed courage and heroism, the enemy has been stopped, and the set tasks haven’t been achieved. The AFU formations and military units suffered significant losses.

Total AFU losses in South Donetsk direction were over 1,500 Ukrainian servicemen, 28 tanks, including FRG-manufactured 8 Leopard tanks, three French-manufactured AMX-10 wheeled tanks and 109 armoured fighting vehicles.

Earlier, the Press Centre Chief of Zapad Group of Forces of the Russian Armed Forces released a statement confirming the further clashes in the areas of Sinkovka and Timovka:

In Kupyansk direction, during the fighting, the Zapad Group of Forces has used a Tor-M2 crews to down one Tochka-U ballistic missile in Kharkov region. Moreover, one Valkirie UAV neutralised by a Pantsir-S  SAM system close to Kuzemovka.

The Ground-Attack and Army aviation carried out strikes on the concentration of manpower, weapons, and military hardware of the 14th Separate Mechanised Brigade and 103rd Territorial Defence Brigade.

Three attempts to rotate AFU personnel have been foiled by artillery fire close to Sinkovka, and Timovka.

The video was released a day after the Russian Defense Ministry claimed that eight Leopard tanks and three French-manufactured AMX-10 wheeled tanks had been destroyed by Russian forces on Monday as they successfully repelled a large-scale attack by Ukrainian troops in several parts of Donetsk and Zaporozhye Regions.

Kiev lost more than 1,500 servicemen, 28 tanks and 109 other armored vehicles in the botched offensive on Monday, the ministry said in a statement. Ukrainian troops tried for several days to attack Russian positions, the ministry stated, adding that such attempts were unsuccessful.

On top of this, the Kiev regime tried to destabilize the situation in Kherson region by destroying the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric dam located on the Dnepr River upstream from the city of Kherson.

According to local authorities, the dam suffered significant damage on June 6 morning. The upper part of the dam was “destroyed as a result of a strike,” the mayor of Novaya Kakhovka Vladimir Leontyev confirmed to RIA Novosti. At least a part of the dam’s floodgates were damaged and unleashed an uncontrolled stream of water. Leontyev described this as a major “terrorist act”. 

NATO Equipment Burning All Across Donbass And Zaporozhye. Kyiv Blows Up Hydroelectric Dam In Kherson
NATO Equipment Burning All Across Donbass And Zaporozhye. Kyiv Blows Up Hydroelectric Dam In Kherson

Kiev’s forces have been striking the dam for months as of now. And finally they achieved what they wanted. Some sources speculate that Kyiv may use the destruction of the dam to flood the fortified positions of the Russians on the left bank of Dnepr River and turn the area into a ‘gray zone’ that would allow to carry out regular sabotage attacks.

Under the pressure of video and photo evidence from the ground the Kiev regime has been forced to admit that its overhyped ‘spring counter-offensive’ (sic) has started. Nonetheless, as of now, they prefer to describe the ongoing large-scale attacks on Russian positions as ‘offensive actions in some directions’. 

Simultaneously with the  Kiev spring offensive on Russian positions, Western diplomats claimed that they expect from Moscow steps towards the ‘peace talks’ with Ukraine. Long story short, foreign puppeteers of the Kyiv regime decided threw all what they have gathered for attack on Russia and claim that Moscow has to make a ‘first step towards peace’. This is a brilliant example of the bloody-minded logic of the so-called ‘Western world’.




Lesbian nazi terrorism in Ukraine 



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