Owning Things . . . To Avoid Being Owned – Eric Peters

The WEF crowd says that in the future, you will own nothing and they will be very happy. Of course, they do not say it exactly that way. But it’s implied by what they do say. If you own nothing, then they will own everything.

Including, naturally, you.

And this prospect makes them happiest of all.

A person who owns nothing is by definition owned. He is someone who must ask permission to use things owned by others – who do own them – and who (by dint of being the owner) can lay down terms and conditions of use. These are not always insufferable or degrading. But they are subordinating, in that you must do as the owners say.

And the WEF is very much interested in that.

Consider the position of someone in the WEF’s desired scheme of things, who owns nothing but instead is allowed (perhaps) to have access to things. Like transportation, for instance. You no longer own a car and so it’s up to the owner of the car you would like to use to grant permission for you to use it. Probably it will be a ride rather than a car; this is what is meant by “transportation as a service” and “mobility,” which are terms being bandied about openly by companies that used to be in the business of selling cars to people who owned them (once they paid for them).

You will be allowed to call for a ride – and the ride will be available if it is agreeable. To those who own the car that is used to provide the ride. Have you lined up for the latest “vaccine”? Are you wearing your “mask”?

Just a taste of what’s to come – for those who allow themselves to be owned.

During the “pandemic,” as the orchestrated campaign of mass hysteria over an unseen and unseeable threat that for 99.something precent of the otherwise healthy population constituted a bad cold/flu, how many of the owned were forced to do as they were told? Or at least, under enormous financial pressure to do as they were told? The people who were (many still are) in so much debt that the loss of a single paycheck constituted a much greater threat than the “virus” had little choice but to say yes.

The massa part goes unsaid – but it’s there, isn’t it?

It is much harder to say no to “masks” – and the drugs style “vaccines” – when your owners tell you to say yes to them. It explains why so many doctors not only said yes but tried their best to make you say yes, too. The reason being that probably eight out of ten doctors are employees – which is a form of being owned – and have anvils of debt around the necks for their schooling compounded by the exorbitant cost of practicing their profession, such as malpractice insurance.

Many of them also buy a new car. A fancy one. Or rather, they take out another loan. This is how you end up owned.

I read a book many years ago – I can’t recall the title – but it was about how to get rich by not buying things you can’t afford to pay for. This applies especially to cars because they aren’t “investments.” Unless you like an investment that is all-but-guaranteed to cost you money.

Especially if you finance it. Even if the interest on the loan is zero. You’re still paying – every month – on something that’s depreciating. And the amount you’re paying doesn’t depreciate. If anything, it’s the reverse – because the buying power of money depreciates in an economy driven by fiat currency. The $400 you’re paying this month for the car you just went into hock for will cost you more than $400 six months from now in that the same $400 would have bought you more of some other thing this month vs. six months from now. But you spent it on a car that’ll be worth less six months from now, instead.

Over a lifetime, the loss of what you could have had can be enormous. I once added up how much a family member had spent over the course of 30 years on new cars – one every five years or so, roughly. It was as much as the house I live in cost me when I bought it, 20 years ago. The house I own (except for the rent I am forced to pay the government; i.e., the property tax) because I’ve never gone into debt for a car – or a truck. My 21-year-old Nissan Frontier isn’t much to look at but I own it – and have owned it, since the day I bought it.

And because I do own it – and the house I live in – they don’t own me. This makes it much easier to tell them no – and some other things, too.

I highly recommend it.

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