Government whistleblowers break wide open a federal conspiracy to suppress injury and death from COVID-19 vaccines

Government whistleblowers break wide open a federal conspiracy to suppress injury and death from COVID-19 vaccines


(Natural News) According to whistleblowers from the Department of Health and Human Services, there is a federal conspiracy to suppress widespread injury and death caused by the experimental covid-19 vaccines. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) created a set of deceptive coding rules that hospitals must…

Xi Jinping Vows China Will Never ‘Invade or Bully’ States, Calls to Reject ‘Zero-Sum Games’ –

Xi Jinping Vows China Will Never ‘Invade or Bully’ States, Calls to Reject ‘Zero-Sum Games’ –


Earlier, in his maiden speech at the United Nations General Assembly, without mentioning China by name, US President Joe Biden emphasised that democracy would not be defeated by authoritarianism, underscoring that the future will not belong to those who “suffocate their people…

Inspector General Audit Finds “Widespread” Problems With FBI’s FISA Applications – Jack Phillips and Ken Silva

Inspector General Audit Finds “Widespread” Problems With FBI’s FISA Applications – Jack Phillips and Ken Silva


Jack Phillips and Ken Silva via The Epoch Times. Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz issued a report (pdf) on Sept. 30 on the FBI’s applications to surveil U.S. citizens, finding “widespread” failure that “raises serious questions” and criticizing agents for not fixing flaws spotted…

Will Germany Succeed in Detaching Itself From the Death Grip of the Anglo-American Empire? Cynthia Chang, Strategic Culture Foundation

Will Germany Succeed in Detaching Itself From the Death Grip of the Anglo-American Empire? Cynthia Chang, Strategic Culture Foundation


As Germany moves ever closer to the Russian-Chinese’s multipolarism, will it succeed in avoiding the last squeeze from the Anglo-American Empire’s death grip? As Pepe Escobar eloquently put it in his essay “Requiem for an Empire: A Prequel,” the days of clueless…

26,041 Deaths 2,448,362 Injuries Following COVID Shots in European Union’s Database – Brian Shilhavy Global Research

26,041 Deaths 2,448,362 Injuries Following COVID Shots in European Union’s Database – Brian Shilhavy Global Research


The European Union database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, and they are now reporting 26,041 fatalities, and 2,448,362 injuries, following COVID-19 injections. A Health Impact News subscriber from Europe reminded us that this database maintained at EudraVigilance is only for countries in Europe who…

LGBT, radical feminism & childfree movements should be recognized by government as extremist ideologies, Russian official suggests

LGBT, radical feminism & childfree movements should be recognized by government as extremist ideologies, Russian official suggests


Russia should expand its list of extremist ideologies to include movements such as radical feminism and LGBT in order to protect children from damaging material, a senior official at the country’s media regulator has suggested. Speaking at a meeting of the Parents’…

Strategic Stupidity… Biden Torpedoes French & NATO Relations With Aussie Sub Deal to Target China – Strategic Culture Foundation

Strategic Stupidity… Biden Torpedoes French & NATO Relations With Aussie Sub Deal to Target China – Strategic Culture Foundation


It’s not only France that is stunned by the Anglo-American skullduggery. The other European NATO allies were also left in the dark, Finian Cunningham writes. The Gallic gall erupting between France and the United States, Britain and Australia has overshadowed the new…

Thousands of Physicians and Medical Scientists Sign “Rome Declaration” in Protest, Launch New Information Platform International Alliance of Physicians and Medical Scientists – Global Research

Thousands of Physicians and Medical Scientists Sign “Rome Declaration” in Protest, Launch New Information Platform International Alliance of Physicians and Medical Scientists – Global Research


Over 7,200 physicians and medical scientists worldwide have signed the “Rome Declaration” to alert citizens about the deadly consequences of Covid-19 policy makers’ and medical authorities’ unprecedented behavior; behavior such as denying patient access to lifesaving early treatments, disrupting the sacred, physician-patient…

AZ Audit Finds Proof of Pre-Meditated Fraud: Multiple Ballots Had “Verified and Approved” Stamp PRE-PRINTED BEHIND Signature Box

AZ Audit Finds Proof of Pre-Meditated Fraud: Multiple Ballots Had “Verified and Approved” Stamp PRE-PRINTED BEHIND Signature Box


Dr. V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai, M.I.T. PhD, the Inventor of Email, was the first presenter Friday afternoon at the Arizona Senate Audit. Dr. Shiva and his team at Echomail investigated the mail-in ballot envelopes from Maricopa County. He demonstrated the bombshell results of his team’s…

The American ‘System of Governance’ Is a Lethal Slaveowners’ Monstrosity – Paul Street

The American ‘System of Governance’ Is a Lethal Slaveowners’ Monstrosity – Paul Street


“No Change” Joe: “That Patience Has Been Rewarded for More Than 240 Years”. Who can ever forget the brilliant oratory of Joe “Nothing Would Fundamentally Change” Biden two nights after Election Day last November? “Democracy is sometimes messy,” Joe “No Empathy, Give Me a…

Ukrainian Politicians Dominate List Of Elites Exposed In ‘Pandora Papers’ – ZeroHedge News

Ukrainian Politicians Dominate List Of Elites Exposed In ‘Pandora Papers’ – ZeroHedge News


A giant data dump is once more detailing the offshore tax activities of the worlds’ rich elites. Keeping with the alliterations, the release was dubbed the Pandora Papers by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, which had also coordinated the release of previous…

CDC Director Overrules Science Advisory Panel, Backs Boosters For ‘High-Risk’ Workers

CDC Director Overrules Science Advisory Panel, Backs Boosters For ‘High-Risk’ Workers


In line with the recommendations made by the scientist-based CDC advisory panel (ACIP) earlier on Thursday, the CDC endorsed COVID vaccine booster shots for Americans 65 and older, residents of nursing homes, and adults aged 18 to 64 with underlying health conditions. But that didn’t…

Why Is Germany – The 4th Largest Economy In The World – Defended By US Military? Mike Shedlock

Why Is Germany – The 4th Largest Economy In The World – Defended By US Military? Mike Shedlock


Mike Shedlock via Let’s discuss Germany, NATO, defense spending, the EU, and a return to historical allies highlighted by Aukus. America’s New Strategy Excellent video podcast by George Friedman on Aukus, NATO, the EU, and America’s New Strategy. For background on…

Unvaccinated Students Told To Wear Different Coloured Wristbands So They Can Be Identified – Paul Joseph Watson

Unvaccinated Students Told To Wear Different Coloured Wristbands So They Can Be Identified – Paul Joseph Watson


Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News. First year students at the University of Bath have been given armbands by authorities to signal whether they’ve been double-vaccinated, with unvaxxed students having to wear a different colour. “Freshers have been given wristbands to signal…

US Congress outlines new phase of economic attacks and hybrid war on Nicaragua’s Sandinista government – Ben Norton The Grayzone

US Congress outlines new phase of economic attacks and hybrid war on Nicaragua’s Sandinista government – Ben Norton The Grayzone


The US Congress invited neoconservative regime-change strategists to discuss the next stage of hybrid warfare on Nicaragua’s Sandinista government, which will likely involve creating an economic blockade, refusing to recognize the legitimacy of President Daniel Ortega, and borrowing tactics the Trump administration…

‘Political dialogue is non-existent within NATO,’ France’s defense minister says amid AUKUS deal snub

‘Political dialogue is non-existent within NATO,’ France’s defense minister says amid AUKUS deal snub


France’s Defense Minister Florence Parly has called for a review of NATO’s “strategic concept,” stating that “dialogue is non-existent” within the bloc. The remarks come amid the ongoing scandal over the new AUKUS pact. The defense minister spoke before France’s Senate on…

This is What Tyranny Looks Like: Absolute Mayhem in Australia; Covid-Police Ambush Crowds and Shoot Protesters In the Back With ‘Non-lethals’ As They Run Away

This is What Tyranny Looks Like: Absolute Mayhem in Australia; Covid-Police Ambush Crowds and Shoot Protesters In the Back With ‘Non-lethals’ As They Run Away


Tens of thousands of protesters have flooded the streets of Melbourne, Australia for the past few days, vowing to show up “every day” until the country’s draconian COVID restrictions are lifted. The massive crowd of mostly trade workers cannot return to their…

What Lessons Can Be Learned After Ukraine’s Crimean Platform Went Kaput? Andrew Korybko

What Lessons Can Be Learned After Ukraine’s Crimean Platform Went Kaput? Andrew Korybko


While the “Crimean Platform” infowar provocation came and went without barely anyone even remembering, it still carries with it some worthwhile lessons that observers should study more closely. Last month’s failure of Ukraine’s much-vaunted “Crimean Platform” to achieve anything tangible in terms…

Kosovo’s Albanian police ban Serbian license plates, use tear gas against protesters, as US and EU urge ‘restraint’ on both sides

Kosovo’s Albanian police ban Serbian license plates, use tear gas against protesters, as US and EU urge ‘restraint’ on both sides


Kosovo police have reportedly used tear gas against Serbs protesting the enforcement of new license plate rules at two checkpoints leading to inner Serbia. US and EU calls for all sides to reduce tensions had no effect. Hundreds of local Serbs have…

Do The ‘Global Managers’ Really Want The Pandemic To End? – Brian Jones

Do The ‘Global Managers’ Really Want The Pandemic To End? – Brian Jones


Brian Jones via Early treatment of symptoms is the last remaining enemy of the global Covid consensus…   In his March 17, 2020, article in Stat, Stanford epidemiologist Dr. John Ioannidis argued for a vast reconsideration of the societal response to the emerging SARS-COV-2…

BREAKING – ‘WISCONSIN HOT’ – Grassroots Group Uncovers 23,000 Votes with Same Phone Number and 8,000 Voters Registered in 1918 All In One County! – Joe Hoft

BREAKING – ‘WISCONSIN HOT’ – Grassroots Group Uncovers 23,000 Votes with Same Phone Number and 8,000 Voters Registered in 1918 All In One County! – Joe Hoft


A group in Wisconsin that goes by the name of Wisconsin HOT (Honest Open and Transparent) released a telegram where they ask Wisconsin election officials why over 23,ooo individuals in Wisconsin’s voter roles have the same phone number?  Here is their note….

Central Banks & The Looming Financial Reckoning – Willem Buiter Project Syndicate

Central Banks & The Looming Financial Reckoning – Willem Buiter Project Syndicate


Willem Buiter via Project Syndicate. Across the advanced economies, central banks have rightly prioritized maintaining financial stability and supporting the real economy over fighting inflation with interest-rate hikes. But with financial fragility rife and public and private leverage at all-time highs, their…

Activists chanting ‘USA’ & ‘f*ck Joe Biden’ storm vaccinated-only food court in Staten Island, NY in protest against mandates

Activists chanting ‘USA’ & ‘f*ck Joe Biden’ storm vaccinated-only food court in Staten Island, NY in protest against mandates


Dozens of protesters against vaccine passports have swarmed a food court in New York City. Although the court has a vaccinated-only policy, the protesters were not asked to provide any proof of vaccination. A crowd of some 60 people took over the…

Taliban Condemns US Drone Flights Over Afghan Airspace, Warns Of “Consequences” – ZeroHedge News

Taliban Condemns US Drone Flights Over Afghan Airspace, Warns Of “Consequences” – ZeroHedge News


The Taliban is condemning the United States for violating Afghanistan’s airspace with drones, calling the flights a severe violation of prior US-Taliban peace agreements reached in Doha, warning of “consequences” should they continue. The statements come a week after the Pentagon said it…

Congress Wants to Put Even More Troops in Russia’s Backyard – Prof. Anatol Lieven Global Research

Congress Wants to Put Even More Troops in Russia’s Backyard – Prof. Anatol Lieven Global Research


The “Sustaining Deterrence in Europe” amendment inserted with bipartisan support into the Defense Authorization Act 2022, represents the very worst of congressional intervention in foreign and security policy. The key passage of the amendment, which was introduced by Rep Mike Rogers (R-Ala.), ranking member…

‘Mad scientists playing God’: Florida’s DeSantis calls for Fauci to be fired for ‘dangerous & cruel’ experiments on dogs

‘Mad scientists playing God’: Florida’s DeSantis calls for Fauci to be fired for ‘dangerous & cruel’ experiments on dogs


Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has joined the chorus of US lawmakers lashing out at White House medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci for funding ‘hazardous’ virus research and ‘despicable’ experiments on dogs. At issue are Fauci’s decisions as director of the National Institute…

“Once The Situation Gets Out Of Control”- Chinese State Media Vows Its Military “Will Show Up At US Doorstep” And Will Win

“Once The Situation Gets Out Of Control”- Chinese State Media Vows Its Military “Will Show Up At US Doorstep” And Will Win


China’s state-run Global Times tabloid, which is viewed as representing the view of Beijing if with a hyperbolic slant, published an op-ed from its editorial board on Wednesday vowing that China’s military will soon confront the U.S. in a hostile exchange, American…

Leftists ignore natural immunity and celebrate Brazil’s Bolsonaro having to eat pizza on New York sidewalk because he’s unvaccinated

Leftists ignore natural immunity and celebrate Brazil’s Bolsonaro having to eat pizza on New York sidewalk because he’s unvaccinated


Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro is such a pariah in US media circles that pundits rejoiced that the unvaccinated president had to eat pizza on the sidewalk in New York City. Never mind that he has natural immunity, as a Covid-19 survivor. MSNBC host…

An Undertaker Explains How the Depopulation Project Is Working – Paul Craig Roberts The Unz Review

An Undertaker Explains How the Depopulation Project Is Working – Paul Craig Roberts The Unz Review


Here is an extraordinary 22 minute interview with an explanation that fits the facts far better than the counterfactual official Covid narrative.   Despite the coherence and sincerity of the undertaker, few are likely to take his account seriously. For decades Americans…

“Bitcoin Really Does Fix This”: El Salvador’s Adoption Of Bitcoin Will Cost Money Transfer Companies Hundreds Of Millions In Fees

“Bitcoin Really Does Fix This”: El Salvador’s Adoption Of Bitcoin Will Cost Money Transfer Companies Hundreds Of Millions In Fees


If you’re from El Salvador living and working elsewhere in the world, Bitcoin wallet adoption in the country fixes an age-old problem that clunky money-transfer companies like Western Union used to have to solve: getting money back home. According to CNBC, about…

US spy agencies collaborated with Ukraine to commit ‘state terror’ & ensnare Russian citizens, Moscow’s FSB security officials say

US spy agencies collaborated with Ukraine to commit ‘state terror’ & ensnare Russian citizens, Moscow’s FSB security officials say


A shadowy plan to capture more than two dozen Russian citizens and extradite them to face trial for alleged war crimes was hatched jointly by Ukrainian and American special services, Moscow’s top security agency has concluded. In a report published on Tuesday,…

Kabul Should Not Forget: ‘Turkey Was a Major Part of the NATO Mission in Afghanistan’ – Lindsey Snell

Kabul Should Not Forget: ‘Turkey Was a Major Part of the NATO Mission in Afghanistan’ – Lindsey Snell


Prior to the Taliban’s rapid takeover of Afghanistan last month, Ankara had sought to promote dialogue and cooperation with the insurgent group, in particular, to ensure Turkey maintains a role in the operation of the Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul. Turkish…

President Trump Drops Second Statement on Arizona – Fake News Is Lying – “There Were Enough Fraudulent Votes… to Change the Outcome of the Election 4 or 5 Times Over”

President Trump Drops Second Statement on Arizona – Fake News Is Lying – “There Were Enough Fraudulent Votes… to Change the Outcome of the Election 4 or 5 Times Over”


President Trump has released his second statement about the Arizona audit this morning.  In this statement, the President shares: The Fake News is lying about the Arizona audit report!  The leaked report conclusively shows there were enough fraudulent votes, mystery votes, and…

Project Veritas’ Bombshell Covid Recordings – FDA Employee: Feds Need to Create a ‘Nazi-Germany’ Style Registry of Unvaccinated, “Go Door to Door and Stab Everyone”

Project Veritas’ Bombshell Covid Recordings – FDA Employee: Feds Need to Create a ‘Nazi-Germany’ Style Registry of Unvaccinated, “Go Door to Door and Stab Everyone”


On Monday, Project Veritas released the first installment of their #CovidVaxExposed undercover report. Whistleblower Jodi O’Malley went to Project Veritas to expose horrific revelations from her time as an employee at the Health and Human Services. She was able to go undercover…

US Space Force Commander Claims Russia Has Armed Satellite in Orbit to Destroy US Assets –

US Space Force Commander Claims Russia Has Armed Satellite in Orbit to Destroy US Assets –


Russia already has deployed in low-earth orbit a “nesting doll” satellite armed with a weapon that can destroy US satellites vital for communications, command and control and precision targeting, Space Force Commander General John Raymond said on Tuesday. “Russia has a nesting…

‘They are children of the same foul spirit’: George W. Bush compares 9/11 terrorists to ‘domestic extremist’ threat at home

‘They are children of the same foul spirit’: George W. Bush compares 9/11 terrorists to ‘domestic extremist’ threat at home


Former President George W. Bush has used his speech on the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks to call out “violent extremists at home.” While visiting Shanksville, Pennsylvania on Saturday, Bush, who was president at the time of the deadly terrorist…

Tanks, fighter jets spotted near Kosovo border as tensions flare between Serbia and breakaway region (VIDEOS)

Tanks, fighter jets spotted near Kosovo border as tensions flare between Serbia and breakaway region (VIDEOS)


Serbia has been moving tanks and other military hardware towards the Kosovo border, videos circulating online suggest. Tensions between the country and the breakaway region soared after Kosovo banned Serbian license plates. A large number of Serbian main battle tanks were spotted…

French defense minister CANCELS meeting with British counterpart amid outrage over AUKUS deal

French defense minister CANCELS meeting with British counterpart amid outrage over AUKUS deal


The upcoming British and French defense ministers’ meeting has reportedly been called off, as Paris continues to fume over Washington’s nuclear-submarine deal with Australia, while belittling London as the “third wheel.”  The UK defence secretary, Ben Wallace, and his French counterpart, Florence…

The COVID-19 Variant Fraud – Why They Won’t Tell You Which Variant You Are Infected With. Because The Variants are Invented! GreatGameIndia

The COVID-19 Variant Fraud – Why They Won’t Tell You Which Variant You Are Infected With. Because The Variants are Invented! GreatGameIndia


You aren’t legally allowed to know which variant gave you COVID-19, even if it’s Delta. No test exists for any variant of Covid, and no laboratory anywhere is planning to make one. Its an open COVID-19 variant fraud and why they won’t tell you…

The Indictment of Hillary Clinton’s Lawyer is an Indictment of the Russiagate Wing of U.S. Media – Glenn Greenwald

The Indictment of Hillary Clinton’s Lawyer is an Indictment of the Russiagate Wing of U.S. Media – Glenn Greenwald


A lawyer for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign was indicted on Wednesday with one felony count of lying to the FBI about a fraudulent Russiagate story he helped propagate. Michael Sussman was charged with the crime by Special Counsel John Durham, who was appointed by Trump Attorney General…

Now That the American Dream Is Reserved for the Wealthy, The Smart Crowd Is Opting Out – Charles Hugh Smith

Now That the American Dream Is Reserved for the Wealthy, The Smart Crowd Is Opting Out – Charles Hugh Smith


The already-wealthy and their minions are unprepared for the Smart Crowd opting out. Clueless economists are wringing their hands about the labor shortage without looking at the underlying causes, one of which is painfully obvious: the American economy now only works for…

Documents Prove American NIH Funded Coronavirus Research in Wuhan. Could That Be What Caused the Pandemic? – Shannon Murray

Documents Prove American NIH Funded Coronavirus Research in Wuhan. Could That Be What Caused the Pandemic? – Shannon Murray


By Shannon Murray, Ph.D. A multimillion-dollar bat coronavirus research grant, funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), was made public last week, revealing that researchers based in Wuhan, China had manipulated coronaviruses in ways that led to increased severity of infection, employing platforms…

Trump Slams Bush’s 9/11 Speech: Man “Responsible For Death Of Perhaps Millions Of People” Shouldn’t Lecture Anybody

Trump Slams Bush’s 9/11 Speech: Man “Responsible For Death Of Perhaps Millions Of People” Shouldn’t Lecture Anybody


Donald Trump didn’t hold back in Monday comments reacting to former President George W. Bush’s speech marking the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Bush lamented the “malign force” of a nation divided and seemed to put events of the tail-end…

Nord Stream 2 pipeline a political defeat for US, but a victory for Russia, Germany… and, in long run, possibly Ukraine itself

Nord Stream 2 pipeline a political defeat for US, but a victory for Russia, Germany… and, in long run, possibly Ukraine itself


Nord Stream 2 has gone from pipe dream to pipeline. Despite controversy and opposition, the 1,224 kilometer, $11-billion underwater gas link has been completed, doubling Russia’s gas export capacity through the Baltic Sea. Now, the team behind the construction, having welded the…

American efforts to stop Nord Stream 2 have failed & gas pipeline will be completed in next few days – Russian foreign minister

American efforts to stop Nord Stream 2 have failed & gas pipeline will be completed in next few days – Russian foreign minister


Years of economic sanctions and political efforts from Washington have come to nothing, and work on the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline is now nearing the final stages of completion, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said. Speaking at a meeting in…

With its plan to unite Eurasia from sea to sea, Russia is betting the days of total US economic supremacy are now coming to an end – Glenn Diesen

With its plan to unite Eurasia from sea to sea, Russia is betting the days of total US economic supremacy are now coming to an end – Glenn Diesen


By Glenn Diesen, Professor at the University of South-Eastern Norway and an editor at the Russia in Global Affairs journal. Follow him on Twitter @glenn_diesen The centre of the world is moving. While once it sat somewhere within the Atlantic, balanced between Europe and…

Trump says ‘border crisis’ turning US into ‘cesspool of humanity’ as thousands of Del Rio migrants could be released into country

Trump says ‘border crisis’ turning US into ‘cesspool of humanity’ as thousands of Del Rio migrants could be released into country


Donald Trump has released a statement blasting the Biden administration, this time over the crisis in Texas where thousands of migrants are being held under the Del Rio International Bridge. In a Sunday statement, the former president blasted the “mainstream media” for…

Russiagate scandal: Top Democrat lawyer charged for LYING to FBI about Clinton ties to feed them fake Trump-Russia lead

Russiagate scandal: Top Democrat lawyer charged for LYING to FBI about Clinton ties to feed them fake Trump-Russia lead


Special counsel John Durham has charged a partner at Perkins Coie, a law firm representing the Democrats and Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign, for allegedly lying to the FBI in the Trump-Russia probe. Michael Sussmann was charged with making a false statement to…

‘No regret’: Frenchman who did jail time for slapping President Macron says he received ‘hundreds’ letters of support

‘No regret’: Frenchman who did jail time for slapping President Macron says he received ‘hundreds’ letters of support


A man who spent several months behind bars for slapping French President Emmanuel Macron this summer has said he has received many letters in support of his “political” action.  Damien Tarel told BFM TV he feels “no regret” over attacking the head…

Book Reveals Putin Directly Confronted Biden Over ‘He’s A Killer’ Remarks

Book Reveals Putin Directly Confronted Biden Over ‘He’s A Killer’ Remarks


The new book “Peril” written by well-known Washington Post journalists Bob Woodward and Robert Costa has for the first time revealed details of a confrontational follow-up exchange between Presidents Biden and Putin over Biden’s prior “killer” remarks. The controversy stemmed from a Biden interview…

America’s Infrastructure Crisis Is Growing Increasingly Dire – Felicity Bradstock

America’s Infrastructure Crisis Is Growing Increasingly Dire – Felicity Bradstock


Felicity Bradstock via Despite promises of improved infrastructure and better disaster preparedness, governments and energy giants are failing to provide backup energy provisions to areas hit hard by extreme weather conditions again and again. As these events are becoming more frequent and…

Western countries created a mess in Afghanistan but entire world must now deal with the consequences, Putin tells BRICS leaders

Western countries created a mess in Afghanistan but entire world must now deal with the consequences, Putin tells BRICS leaders


The US and its allies have withdrawn from Afghanistan but now the whole international community has to deal with the possible consequences from the ensuing fallout, Russian President Vladimir Putin warned on Thursday afternoon. Speaking to a video conference of the BRICS…

Fauci never lies? CNN, NYT, WaPo & other MSM outlets IGNORE report showing US funded coronavirus research in Wuhan before pandemic

Fauci never lies? CNN, NYT, WaPo & other MSM outlets IGNORE report showing US funded coronavirus research in Wuhan before pandemic


America’s biggest media outlets refused to cover the news this week that the US funded bat coronavirus research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology years before the Covid-19 pandemic – a fact Dr. Anthony Fauci has denied. More than 900 documents were…

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