Pan-Africanism And Eurasianism: A Common Destiny – Farafin Sâa François Sandouno
Pan-Africanism and Eurasianism have a common destiny…

1 month ago, I had the opportunity to meet Maurizio Murelli, publisher and proponent of Eurasianism in Italy (materialized by Duginian thought called “Fourth Political Theory”). Knowing Maurizio Murelli was one of the best acquaintances (in the cultural-political field) of my activism up to the moment I am writing. One of the best, because intellectually we are faced with the same destiny (even though this may seem latent).

Maurizio Murelli is a defender of multipolarism (a concept that supports the idea of larger civilisational, imperial and terrestrial spaces, which have the right to exist in accordance with their ontology and their reality, in the face of American-based maritime monopolarisation) in its Eurasian configuration, just as we Pan-Africanists defend it in the endo-African configuration. Faced with the arrogance of NATO and Atlanticism, both Pan-Africanism and Eurasianism support a broad resistance to Yankee imperialism (which fights any thought that wants the creation of traditional telluric empires).

With Murelli, we share the thoughts of thinkers such as René Guénon and his disciples of the perennialist school (Integral Traditionalism), but also thinkers such as Nietzsche and others. The idea of a Primordial Tradition common to all (carried forward by the perennialist school), we other Pan-Africanists in the 21st century connect it to African thinkers such as Ahmadou Hampâte Bâ (great defender of the African oral tradition) or the esoteric mystic Tierno Bokar. This manifestation of the Primordial Tradition that Guénon (and his disciples) spoke of in all currents is found in every religious or spiritual emanation in Africa (a Christian like Simon Kimbangu, a Sufist like Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba or a traditionalist like Ogotemmeli, can be different in the exoteric aspect, but esoterically they have something in common).

With Murelli we share the idea that neither the liberal nor the communist system, much less the nationalist one, can be viable. The imperial and geopolitical-traditional way is the only solution in the face of modern ideologies. Following in the footsteps of the brilliant thinker Alexander Dugin, Murelli defends the Fourth Political Theory (which wants to take up the best of the 3 twentieth-century theories, to overcome them), just as we have decided to undertake the path of Afropolarism (which will be based on a Pan-Africanism no longer aligned with Marxism or other ideologies far from our civilizational cogito).

The concept of “globalism”  (to be differentiated with globalization) and its extended phase which is alter-globalism represent a threat both to the pan-African field in the 21st century and to Eurasianism.

When I started my activism in 2018, in Italy (with conferences and demonstrations against the CFA franc at first time), I quickly realized that SOME African associations in Italy were contaminated by “gauchisme” (degenerate left) and were the emblem of alter-globalism. This is why diasporic pan-Africanism, rejecting any collusion with the left and the right, must lead a resistance to globalism, move away from decadent degenerate modernism and collaborate synergistically (without co-optations or ideological paternalism, obviously) with realities such as the Eurasianism of which Murelli (among many others in Italy) is a size exponent. Pan-Africanism and Eurasianism face common challenges. In the era of emerging Multipolarism, it is more important than ever for different continentalist ideologies to talk to each other. This is the only way to put a terminus on the globalist thalassocratic leprosy.

Farafin Sâa François Sandouno, Founder & President of the Afropolar Observatory.

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