Pastor Released From Jail for Holding Church Service Tells Americans to “Stand Up and Fight” Rebecca Downs

Earlier this month, Canadian Pastor Artur Pawlowski, along with his brother, was arrested on a busy highway and dragged off by a SWAT team. The pastor had been targeted for months because he dared to open up his church and not turn anyone away. A judge granted a warrant for police to arrest him for doing “anything necessary.” Now, the pastor and his brother are out on bail.

“WATCH: Pastor Artur and his brother Dawid released from Remand maximum security detention centre. @kiansimone44 asks what they have to say for his supporters.”

Help us fight for Pastor Artur Pawlowski’s civil liberties:

— Rebel News (@RebelNewsOnline) May 11, 2021

The pastor spoke with Newsmax highlighting how the Calgary Police have been incessantly targeting him, though he doesn’t seem ready to relent any time soon. While speaking with Rob Schmitt, he likened what he has gone through to the plight of Hong Kong protesters.

“I just woke up in Hong Kong a few days ago. I mean, I thought I emigrated to our beloved Canada, but I am in Hong Kong, full force,” he said.

NEXT : In his first interview since being held in jail for 53 HOURS – Pastor Artur Pawlowski joins Rob Schmitt to discuss his arrest and more – 10:25PM ET.

Watch LIVE on Newsmax TV:

— Newsmax (@newsmax) May 11, 2021

All across China, Christians have been targeted and arrested for their faith. During the pandemic, the Chinese Communist Party has had the excuse of enforcing Covid regulations, though the crackdown against Christians has been going on for years.

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Pawlowski also appeared on “The Ingraham Angle,” where he confirmed he had spent 30 hours in solitary confinement following his arrest, in addition to being mistreated in other ways by the police. He also emphasized they “have no rights whatsoever.” The pastor shared how he had escaped from Poland, for Canada, where he thought he’d have more freedom:

I escaped tyranny and communism. I came to Canada because they offered me freedom. Here we are again. A repetition of history. I will fight to the death. That’s what I said to the officer. You are not going to intimidate me. You can shoot me dead but I will fight until the day I day. I have three children. If you don’t do it for yourself, some decency and do it for your children. What kind of country will we leave behind for future generations? How do we say to sons and daughters we allowed this to happen. We didn’t care about your future. 

He closed with another warning for the United States, as he and others are becoming “political prisoners” in Canada. “My message to you is, watch what’s happening here because it’s coming your way unless you rise up and stand up and fight,” he said.

Rebel News reported that “millions of people around the world watched the video images of Pastor Artur’s arrest.” The update also warned that the Pawlowskis still have their trial, as well as that the police could still go after them, with original emphasis:

He’s just out on bail — he still has the trial ahead of him.

And remember: the Calgary Police have a long-standing vendetta against Pastor Artur. They’ve ticketed him literally dozens of times. I’m sure they’re going to try to “get” him in some other way.

LifeNews Note: Rebecca Downs writes for TownHall, where this column originally appeared.

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