Peace Activist Nick Kollerstrom: “Russia Is Fighting A Just War In Ukraine”


Nick Kollerstrom’s Ukraine: The Just War begins: “All my life I’ve opposed wars, campaigned against war, even published books about how they were wrong. And so how strange it is at last to come across a just war, one that needed to be fought. It needed to be fought because the diplomats could not resolve it. At last and how strangely I am agreeing with EU chief Joseph Borell in March, ‘This war must be won on the battlefield.’”

Unlike Borell and the entire Western media and elite establishment, Kollerstrom argues that the war in Ukraine is a just war from the viewpoint of Russia, not from that of Zelensky and his Western backers. Ukraine: The Just War systematically demolishes mainstream media’s cartoonish depictions of the war and its causes, exposes a long list of Western deceptions and publicity stunts, and finishes by extensively citing Sergei Glazyev’s The Last World War and Vladimir Putin’s “Empire of Lies” speech—two essential documents that need to be read by anyone interested in a fair and accurate assessment of what the Ukraine war is really about.

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