Pentagon, FEMA to Set Up COVID-19 Vaccine Sites in Texas, New York | The Epoch Times

As many as 3,700 active-duty troops have been placed on standby to assist in administering COVID-19 vaccines at Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) sites in several locations, including Texas, New York, and the Virgin Islands, in a bid to administer millions of vaccines to the areas hardest hit by the ongoing pandemic. U.S. Northern Command head Air Force General Glen VanHerck told reporters during a press briefing Tuesday that by Feb. 24, about 778 troops will be deployed to begin running five COVID-19 vaccine sites in Houston, Dallas, and Arlington in Texas, and Brooklyn and Queens in New York. As many as 3,700 troops “are allocated to prepare to deploy,” VanHerck said, adding, “They haven’t been given a tasking to deploy at this time.” Plans are still being finalized by the Pentagon and FEMA to set up two additional sites in St. Thomas and St. Croix in the Virgin Islands. VanHerck said …
As many as 3,700 active-duty troops have been placed on standby to assist in administering COVID-19 vaccines at Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) sites in several locations, including Texas, New York, and the Virgin Islands, in a bid to administer millions of vaccines to the areas hardest hit by the ongoing pandemic. U.S. Northern Command head Air
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