Pfizer’s Criminal History Is Extensive, Pfizer Files Show – Ethan Huff

Long before covid “vaccines” were unleashed under Operation Warp Speed, drug giant Pfizer was effectively committing mass genocide through drug crimes that include illegal and corrupt marketing practices, physician bribery, and suppressed adverse trial results, to name just a few.

All of this and more is being revealed at length in the Pfizer Files, a trove of convicting evidence that exposes Pfizer as a longtime criminal operation and illicit drug racket that has claimed the lives and livelihoods of countless millions of people all around the world.

Though you will never hear about it through the globalist-controlled media and political apparatus, Pfizer, since corporations are now “people” under United States law, is guilty of mass murder. And the Pfizer Files are bringing it all to light like never before in history.

A quick trip back to the year 1994 reveals that Pfizer paid off the Department of Justice (DoJ) to settle various claims that the company lied about a heart valve product in order to gain federal approval for it. Pfizer covered up safety concerns about the device, which killed hundreds of patients.

The end of that saga resulted in Pfizer having to pay out $200 million in settlements, which is just a drop in the bucket compared to the profits the company raked in from said product. Settlements and fines, it turns out, are just a line item on Big Pharma’s operating expenses.

In 1996, Pfizer administered an experimental drug to 200 Nigerian children without informing their parents, let alone getting permission to use them as human guinea pigs. Eleven of these children died while numerous others developed brain damage, organ failure, and / or paralysis.

A few years later in 2001, the victims’ families sued Pfizer, claiming their “children were used as human guinea pigs.” Pfizer was also accused of violating the Nuremberg Code by exposing the children to “cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment.” That case was ultimately dismissed, allowing Pfizer to continue on with its mass genocide.

(Related: Pfizer’s current CEO, Albert Bourla, is a genocidal monster who seems to enjoy murdering people – and especially children – with his company’s “medical” products. Bourla also enjoys bragging about it in public).

Pfizer hired hitmen “investigators” to blackmail targets for attempting to hold company accountable for crimes against humanity

In 2007, the Nigerian government went to bat against Pfizer by suing the company for $7 billion. That suit alleged that Pfizer was guilty of “carrying out illegal trials” that “killed or disable children,” as well as of failing to inform local health authorities or children’s parents about these trials.

Three years later, leaked State Department cables showed that Pfizer hired investigators, aka hitmen, to blackmail Nigeria’s attorney general into dropping that suit. That effort was a success, resulting in Nigeria dropping the case in 2009.

In the United States in 2002, Pfizer agreed to a $49 million settlement in another case involving its cholesterol drug Lipitor. Pfizer defrauded the federal government and 40 states by charging too much for Lipitor, which generated $6.45 billion for the company in 2001 alone.

Then we have the trove of “studies” that Pfizer manipulated over the years. The New York Times actually wrote about this manipulation in 2008, concluding that Pfizer delayed or scrubbed the publishing of “negative” studies exposing its drug products, including Neurontin at that particular time, as unsafe and ineffective.

Dr. Kay Dickersin, a Johns Hopkins Professor of Medicine, concluded upon review of Pfizer’s studies that an astounding 80 percent of the “positive” ones were published in full journal articles. Conversely, only 38 percent of the “negative” ones ever appeared in journals at all – and of these, only a fraction were published in full.

In 2009 following the release of its liver drug Rezulin, Pfizer was forced to pay $750 million to settle 35,000 separate claims that the drug resulted in liver failure or death. Rezulin was still allowed to remain on the market for another three years, though, thanks to Food and Drug Administration (FDA) collusion.

That same year, Pfizer was fined $2.3 billion – the largest criminal fine ever imposed in the U.S. at the time – for illegal kickbacks and advertising associated with four Pfizer drugs: Bextra, Geodon, Zyvox, and Lyrica.

Then, one year later, Pfizer was ordered to pay another $142 million in damages for violating federal anti-racketeering laws by fraudulently selling and marketing Neurontin. The jury in that case ruled that Pfizer had violated the RICO Act.

Pfizer also has an extensive history of paying off doctors and other medical professionals to promote its deadly wares and conferences and other speaking events. In 2010, the company paid $20 million to such people to illegally promote drugs.

That same year, Blue Cross filed a lawsuit against Pfizer accusing the company of illegal bribery involving 5,000 doctors who were awarded lavish vacations to the Caribbean, golf games, massages, and flat-out cash payments for shilling Pfizer’s drugs and medical devices.

Two years later, Pfizer was charged by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) with violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act for doing the same thing outside the U.S. in countries like Bulgaria, China, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Italy, Kazakhstan, Russia, and Serbia. In that case, Pfizer settled for a mere $60 million.

The list goes on and on with many more cases involving Pfizer’s criminal activity in the years since. To peruse the rest of what has been revealed thus far in the Pfizer Files, be sure to check out this Twitter thread.

By Ethan Huff

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