So Alice Weidel was interviewed by Elon Musk on 9 January 2025. Actually, it was quite a disappointment in more ways than one. For one, it is strange that the leader of the AfD, Germany’s supposedly conservative party, should be a lesbian who is married to a woman from the island of Ceylon. Upon closer scrutiny the anomalies only seem to increase. Dr. Weidel stated that “Hitler was a Communist,” thus publicly distancing herself from that part of the political spectrum as well as from the very personification of evil in the modern world.
The fact that Dr. Weidel’s observation is nonsensical and historically false is only secondary under present-day circumstances. More important was the sign she gave off distancing herself from Hitler and anything he might have stood for.
The other surprising statement by Dr. Weidel was about Jews. She asserted her party constituted the best protection for Jews in Germany. Thus Dr. Weidel demonstrated to the public in Germany and abroad that she is fully qualified to take part in politics, since she meets the requirements for the triangulation that any postwar German politician must exhibit publicly:
- be anti-Hitler;
- be a “philosemite”;
- be unquestionably faithful to the US.
The last requirement of this triangulation was implicitly given by Dr. Weidel allowing herself to be interviewed by what seems to be Donald Trump’s right hand, against the explicit wishes and warnings by other parties’ politicians and the legacy media.
Just because the venal German legacy media have been taking it out on the AfD and because it has been arbitrarily qualified as “far-right,” Dr. Weidel was required to emphatically show her credentials in a rather humiliating fashion. All things considered, it is quite embarrassing for a modern politician to pass under the yoke of public humiliation such as Dr. Weidel was made to do. It is also quite extraordinary that Hitler is still absolute anathema eighty years after he left the main stage. If only because so many of the actions attributed to him have since been routinely and massively perpetrated by countless others.
The treatment reserved for German establishment politicians is quite a contrast. Just look at German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, who is pampered by the press, seems to have been lobotomized and is not capable of rational thought, and who needs to spend tens of thousands of euros of taxpayer money to make even a halfway decent appearance.
Politics everywhere in Europe seems to have been subjected to an overall process of inversion. Those who are immoral, stupid, unqualified, evil and criminal make it to the top, whereas those who might actually improve things are being kept at bay and vilified.
At the pinnacle of European politics, criminals are firmly in control. Mrs. Ursula von der Leyen, recently reappointed president of the EuSSR Commission, has soiled her hands during the Great Covid Show, forcing hundreds of millions of Europeans to take poisonous jabs provided by her brothers and sisters in crime in the pharmaceutical mafia. Of course, she is being officially praised for this by the decision to give her the Charlemagne Prize for European Unity. The funny thing is that Charlemagne is largely a product of the imagination. NATO boss Mark Rutte leaves a trail of death and destruction from the MH-17 jetliner to thousands of Dutch children forcibly taken from their parents and handed over to international pedophile networks. Now Rutte wants NATO members to plunder national pension reserves to build defenses against a Russian invasion that will never come.
Elsewhere in Europe, the political scene is hardly more edifying, let alone encouraging. Regime legitimacy in France, Spain, the Netherlands, just to name a few EU member states, is precarious, to say the least. Or look at the circumstances under which Vladimir Zelenski has become president of the Ukraine back in 2019. Anyone who has taken the trouble to watch the admittedly well-made and funny series Servant of the People, starring Zelenski, must admit that could only have been made as a preparation to get him elected president. In hindsight, this has been a magnificent feat of public relations and electoral engineering. Now that his term has ended (back in May 2024), now that he has postponed elections, now that there is no longer a legal basis for his remaining in office, what about those supposedly European values that the Ukraine embodies and upholds?
Actually, the insistence with which European politicians like to state that the Ukraine uniquely embodies and symbolizes “European values” may contain more than a kernel of truth. Of course, there is only one way that the Ukraine, which has been a US vassal state at least since 2014, can be considered representative or exemplary with respect to “European values.” Namely when those supposedly European values are a total sham.
At most, those values are those of colonies, vassal states or satrapies. Those values are imposed (not too long ago) and certainly not traditional, which is actually what most of the public seems to believe. It is thought those values are all about personal freedoms, tolerance and concern for the weak and meek. One of the pleasant things about what is happening around us these days is that those outdated romantic fairy tales are proven a sham on a daily basis.
Under currently prevailing circumstances, now that with Trump’s impending inauguration as US president the US deep state seems on the verge of suffering a major setback Europe is in for a hard ride. European politics, long closely interwoven with the US deep state, is faced with some very serious problems.
Among th first problems to manifest itself will be that of politics itself: what do European regimes need to take as a guideline for their decisions? Those who most vociferously like to refer to “European values” (the entire politically correct, woke crowd overflowing with climate and gender lunacy and blathering about “diversity, equity and inclusion”) are quite nervous now that the Biden regime is on the way out. During the Obama and Biden regimes, the European governing elites were synchronized and equalized to the point where any dissenting opinion was considered an affront and a threat to the system. Since it looks like the directives from Washington are drastically changing, European regimes are faced with the possibility of having to renounce many of their cherished liberal “values.”
Another major problem will be economic policy. By faithfully executing the directives from the World Economic Forum (dominated by US and international moneyed interests) during the Great Covid Show, EU nations have begun the large-scale dismantling of their small- and medium-sized businesses. In response to the Crimea voting in favor of joining the Russian Federation in 2014, and especially after Russia started its Special Military Operation in the Ukraine in 2022, EU nations have dutifully followed Washington’s orders to cut off economic ties with Russia, thus massively causing harm to their economies. Moreover, Germany, the Netherlands and others have meekly accepted the destruction by the US of Nord Stream 2, their vital source of cheap Russian natural gas. Finally, in keeping in line with fake science, EU nations have adopted policies to reduce CO2 and nitrogen emissions so as to combat the effects of “global warming.” With Trump having announced he will do away with much of the climate nonsense, European regimes will have to reconsider many of their suicidal economic policies.
It is quite likely that the German regime will experience a crisis, and so will the regimes in France, Spain and other EU nations. The new Trump administration will prove to be quite unsettling for Europe’s governing elites and legacy media. All EU regimes will be confused and at a loss at what decisions to make. One should not think their backbones are more solid than the filling of a chocolate eclair, although there is a chance that some diehards will want to persist in gender and climate lunacy, wokeism and the whole shebang.
If the unelected EU Commission cannot prevent Dr. Weidel from winning the upcoming German elections, the doors will be opened for a new generation of faithful European servants of US interests. Dr. Weidel certainly meets all the requirements for her role as a US satrap.
Interesting times lie ahead of us!
By Hans Vogel