Proof Amerika IS The Whore Of Babylon – Stucky – The Burning Platform

The narrator says this is the worst commercial ever.  I believe I must agree.  This is HARD to watch.  I stopped watching several times. But, I did finish the whole thing.  This commercial IS FUCKED UP!!!  My roller coaster emotions are back to believing this country cannot be saved.  My fantasies are becoming more violent … “these motherfuckers deserve death!!”.  I am becoming unhinged.

Here is the partial commercial with commentary
Here is the full disgusting commercial

THE END (of Amerika)

The narrator says this is the worst commercial ever.  I believe I must agree.  This is HARD to watch.  I stopped watching several times. But, I did finish the whole thing.  This commercial IS FUCKED UP!!!  My roller coaster emotions are back to believing this country cannot be saved.  My fantasies are becoming more violent … Continue reading “Proof Amerika IS The Whore Of Babylon”
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