Psychopathology Of Radical Chic (Dedicated To Our Guys Of EUvsDiSiNFO) – Costantino Ceoldo

Roberto Giacomelli is back and delights us with another of his small but intriguing pamphlets, this time on that caricature of a human being that passes under the name of radical chic [1].

Giacomelli talks to us about the bored bourgeois who pretends to teach others how to live, but unloads on them the inevitable difficulties and all the problems that generate his life wrapped in cotton wool. Look and thought inevitably go to the gauche caviar who, after having betrayed Judas too, became the ball boy of big capital, thus realizing its true and deepest vocation: to be a servant among the servants.

Living room warrior, keyboard warrior, sofa warrior, anything as long as it is not the harsh reality, the radical chic has now reproduced more than the rabbits of the homonymous hill and, in the form of an almost endless flock of disadvantaged sheep, it has almost succeeded to confine the wolves to the margins of real life, as if to suffocate them.

You saw it well in these two Covidian years under the banner of the most extreme absurd and surreal, whose hallucinatory foundations have been laid, however, much earlier.

The wolves, nevertheless, still exist and still resist, they pass to the wood which is their natural home. At the end of the day, it won’t be the flocks of sheep gorged on junk food, stunned by Netflix or Pornhub that stand up, but those who have disciplined themselves and led a different lifestyle.

I leave the floor to Roberto Giacomelli, who, as on other occasions before, patiently answered my questions.

1) Who is the radical chic and why do you speak precisely of “psychopathology”?

A) Radical chic is the thought-police of correct thinking, a picturesque character who thrives on exteriority, poses and snobbish habits. A bored one who plays the revolution in chatter, in reality a bourgeois with aspirations for success and social advancement. The behavior of this luxury elite is characterized by narcissism and paranoia, that’s why we can talk about psychopathology.

2) Is it a Western phenomenon only or does it concern the whole world?

A) The servants of power are everywhere and always, but the radical chic are the characteristic product of the American subculture, which as always took root in Europe. La gauche caviar in France and the self-styled intellectuals engaged in Italy and the rest of the continent. Foolish servants of a destructive power that will annihilate even its tails in the monstrous world it is preparing.

3) You explicitly state that radical chic poses itself as a self-proclaimed guardian of good and evil. Could you elaborate on this aspect?

A) Radical chic considers itself the sole repository of the truth, the master of the media, it is the authorized interpreter of the “single thought” and spreads it as the incontrovertible interpretation of reality.

4) You also speak openly of “infantile regression”. Aren’t electric skateboard one of the many striking examples?

A) For the radical chic, the playful phase essential in childhood cognitive development never ends, they are adults who behave like eternal adolescents. Their toys are the symbol of their immaturity, symbols of social status, distinctive signs of an intellectual elite that wants to detach itself at all costs from the ignorant masses who have to deal with reality every day.

5) What is the “sleeping people”? Why people do not keep anymore their word?

A) The hammering propaganda of intellectuals organic to the system, added to the void of ideals and values characteristic of the consumer society, effectively numbs consciences making the people prone to any harassment. Ready to accept the elimination of civil rights and liberties. The lack of ethical values such as dignity, honor, fidelity to an idea or a homeland, means that the word given, a sacred sound, in this subverted society no longer has any meaning.

6) The “Left” has accepted an anthropological mutation that leads it to defend banks and big capital. How was this possible and why?

A)  The anthropological mutation of the Left is the result of the betrayal of socialist ideas and the defense of the lower classes. When the Marxist revolution, which should have prepared the workers’ paradise on Earth and instead turned into a bloody dictatorship, failed, a new master was needed. Radical chic can’t stand being with the losers of history, but he immediately settled into the winners’ wagon. He sided with savage liberalism and turbocapitalism, from the dictatorship of the proletariat to that of high finance. It is important for him to be on the side of the Power that pays his servants.

7) We address gender and language change. How can we oppose this destructive drift?

A) To oppose this destructive madness we must spread classical culture, the spirituality of the origins and the voice of free thinkers such as Junger, Venner, Schmitt. This is the answer to the false and dysfunctional culture-induced mental confusion imposed by radical chic.

8) You speak of the “archetype of the warrior” and of “passage to the woods”. Are we still in time to save ourselves?

A) The return to communion with wild nature, to primordial impulses, to natural human aggression, to the art of war will save us. Going to the woods is the ultimate defense against the society of dissolution, the last possible rebellion against surveillance capitalism, the most subtle and devious form of dictatorship.


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