Putin Has A Point: The West’s Liberal-Globalist Elite & Their “Woke” Army Promote Pedophilia – Andrew Korybko

Russia treasures its children’s physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual well-being, which is why its people oppose pushing “woke” ideology about non-traditional sexual identities onto kids, including that which normalizes this and even encourages self-harm. Whether in school or elsewhere in society, such content is strictly banned in order to protect children. The Western liberal-globalist elite and their “woke” army will thus never succeed in promoting pedophilia in Russia.  

One of the many sharp criticisms that President Putin leveled against the West during his nearly two-hour-long address to the nation on Tuesday concerned the West’s normalization of child abuse. In his words, “Look at what they’re doing to their own peoples: the destruction of the family, of cultural and national identity, perversions and abuses against children, up to pedophilia, are declared to the norm, the norm of their lives, while clergymen and priests are forced to bless same-sex marriages.”

He has a point, no matter how uncomfortable some folks might be admitting it. The liberal-globalist ideology that infected the Western elite decades ago nowadays no longer hides its civilization-destroying goals, which readers can learn more about here. Adherents of this “secular religion” believe that socio-cultural limitations of any kind violate people’s human rights, thus leading to the uncontrollable proliferation of the most extreme manifestations thereof such as pedophilia.

It began by normalizing same-sex relationships in society, followed by revising the religiously inherent concept of marriage until it simply referred to the legal union of two adults without reference to them having to be of opposite genders. After that, children were taught about non-traditional sexual identities in school, which preceded some of them offering their students hormone blockers, including without their parents’ knowledge. This last-mentioned trend has been documented in detail by “Libs of TikTok”.

To be absolutely clear, all consenting adults have the right to engage in whatever sexual relations they’d like as long as they’re not abusive like pedophilia, rape, or zoophilia, et al., but imposing non-traditional sexual ideas onto impressionable children through the media and schools is considered child abuse by Russia. It recently banned all public expressions thereof in order to safeguard the traditional values of its social majority, which readers can learn more about here.

From President Putin’s standpoint, which is passionately supported by the overwhelming majority of his compatriots in whose name he serves, Western society and school systems are normalizing child abuse through the means that were described thus far in this analysis. This risks ruining countless lives, which can further destabilize Western civilization than it already is with time once this reaches a critical mass of people, yet these “new norms” are unlikely to be reversed due to how aggressively they’re enforced.

The foot soldiers of the Western liberal-globalist elite are known as “wokeists”, who are almost always putatively leftist-leaning “social democrats” and other such groups that actually share the same ideology as their elite whether they’re conscious of this or not. They resort to “cancel culture”, intimidation, “lawfare”, and increasingly even violence to coerce others into complying with the dogmatic diktats of their “secular religion”, which in this context includes those actions that Russia regards as child abuse.

To remind the reader, this refers to indoctrinating impressionable children with propaganda about non-traditional sexual relations, which also encourages their targets to harm themselves through hormone blockers and even genital mutilation. Just as bad, some of the so-called “educators” who these same children come into contact with are at times “wokeists” themselves who impose maximum pressure on their students to conform with their ideological demands, while others groom and prey upon them.

These aforesaid “educators”, who in this context actually function as child abusers to various extents, usually can’t be removed from their position without first being charged for a serious crime (the evidence of which might not come to light until years later) since they’re “protected” by “anti-discrimination” laws. This means that those who flamboyantly express non-traditional sexual identities and/or are openly “woke” can, from the Russian perspective, continue abusing children unimpeded.

Russia treasures its children’s physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual well-being, which is why its people oppose that category of folks pushing their “woke” ideology about non-traditional sexual identities onto kids, including that which normalizes this and even encourages self-harm. Whether in school or elsewhere in society, such content is strictly banned in order to protect children. The Western liberal-globalist elite and their “woke” army will thus never succeed in promoting pedophilia in Russia.

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