Putin Instructs Cabinet To Take Steps To Make Russia Independent From Foreign Software

The Russian leader signed a decree on measures to ensure the technological independence and security of Russia’s critical information infrastructure

MOSCOW, September 5. /TASS/. President Vladimir Putin instructed the government to take measures by December 15, 2022 to ensure Russia’s technological independence from the foreign software, which is currently used.

This is one of instructions on the list published on the Kremlin website on Monday following the meeting of the Council for Strategic Development and National Projects.

“[Hereby I instruct] the government of the Russian Federation <…> to take measures aimed at updating existing and approving new strategic areas in the field of digital transformation of key sectors of the economy, the social sector, paying special attention to the need <…> to stimulate demand for domestic technological solutions created with the use of end-to-end technologies, as well as ensuring technological independence from currently used foreign software,” the document says.

Earlier, President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on measures to ensure the technological independence and security of Russia’s critical information infrastructure. From March 31, the decree banned the acquisition of foreign software, including as part of software and hardware systems, for critical information infrastructure facilities without the consent of the authorized executive body.

The ban also applies to the purchase of services necessary to use such software. In addition, from January 1, 2025, state authorities are prohibited from using foreign software at critical information infrastructure facilities.

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