Rallies Held In Italy In Support Of Russia & Against NATO

A rally in support of Russia’s actions in Ukraine and for the liberation of Donbass was held in Italy, TASS reports. About 1,000 people took to the streets of Milan. The rally was organized by the United Italy political movement. According to its founder, Amedeo Avondet, a university student from Turin, the participants also strongly protested against the US actions and NATO.
The activist noted that the residents of Milan brought candles with them, which they lit to honor the memory of the dead Russian soldiers. The Italian politician is sure that they are fighting not only for the freedom of Donbass, but also for the Europeans to be able to throw off the yoke of American slavery. During his speech, he announced a moment of silence.
Earlier, a rally in support of Russia’s actions in Ukraine took place in Bergamo, Italy. According to Avondet, about 300 people came to Piazza Vittorio Veneto. Many were holding Russian tricolors in their hands. The participants protested against the course taken by the Italian authorities regarding the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, against the transfer of weapons to the Ukrainian army.
United Italy has existed for less than six months, but it attracts the attention of many socio-political associations, committees and organizations that do not share a common European political line.

GENOA /Italy/, October 22. /TASS/. About 200 people came to Piazza De Ferrari in Genoa, Italy’s port city on the Ligurian coast, on Saturday to protest against anti-Russian sanctions, NATO and arms supplies to Kiev.

“The rally is held in support of Italy’s exit from NATO, against sanctions and all the economic and military atrocities to which we are forced to comply; it was organized to denounce Italy’s foreign policy, which we see as absolutely devastating for us,” a member of the association Free Square Genoa, which organized the demonstration, told TASS.

He underscored that the initiative was “against any support – political, military and economic – for the Kiev regime, as well as against the fact that Italy’s foreign policy is shaped in Washington and Brussels, but not in Rome.”

According to the activist, the new Italian government will continue to abide by the foreign policy previously carried out by Mario Draghi.

“I am skeptical. I do not think that Rome’s position on Russia may change,” he said.

Italy’s new prime minister, Giorgia Meloni, has repeatedly assured that her government will uphold national interests, but will simultaneously adhere to the EU and NATO line, especially in relations with Moscow.

The rally organizers unfurled a large banner that read: “Freedom to Peoples, Free Italy from US and EU Domination.’ Some participants brought Russian flags. The Italians who attended the rally complained to TASS about “one-sided news coverage” of the Ukraine conflict in the local media, as well as about energy bill hikes “triggered by managers in Brussels.”

Another rally under similar slogans is scheduled for Sunday in Naples, TASS reports

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