Report: Biden’s nominee was ‘partner’ with Chicom propagandists Bob Unruh WND


The man who has been nominated by President Biden to run immigration enforcement in America partnered with a Chinese government propaganda ministry while he was on the Houston City Council, according to a report.

It is Ed Gonzalez, now the sheriff of Harris County, Texas, who was nominated by Biden to be the director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

But the Free Beacon reports he had a “memorandum of understanding” with Zhu Yonglei, the head of the Chinese government’s Information Office of Shanghai, at the time he was on the council.

The report said the goal of the 2014 public relations campaign apparently was to bolster the international image of Shanghai.

Gonzalez now is under scrutiny ahead of his coming confirmation hearing before the Senate.

The deal was an “agreement to promote each of the partner cities for a year through a series of videos at strategic locations and on social media,” the report said, citing the China Daily.

“His involvement with the Chinese propaganda bureau has come under scrutiny ahead of his Senate confirmation hearing. The Washington Free Beacon reported last week that Gonzalez also took a 2015 trip to China that was bankrolled by an advocacy group for the EB-5 cash-for-visa program,” the report said.

The Free Beacon noted China’s information office writes the versions of events “that the media must follow, and decides what arguments should be used to rebut stories in the international media that contradict the official propaganda line.”

The press in China is not free, with Reporters Without Borders listing the nation as 177th out of 180 nations on its world press freedom index.

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