Report: Hunter Biden was hired to help tycoon escape bribery case Bob Unruh WND

Hunter Biden on CBS’ ‘Sunday Morning’ on April 4, 2021. (Video screenshot)

A new report from the Daily Mail outlines how emails found on a computer Hunter Biden abandoned at a repair shop reveal that he was hired – along with former FBI director Louis Freeh – to help a corrupt Romanian real estate tycoon escape a bribery case.

They didn’t, and the tycoon, Gabriel Popoviciu, was convicted and sentenced to nine years in jail, the report said.

Hunter Biden’s scandals long have plagued Joe Biden while he was vice president, then as a candidate, and now as president.

While Joe Biden was campaigning for president and scandals involving his son, Hunter, kept surfacing, he assured Americans, “I have never discussed with my son or my brother or anyone else anything having to do with their businesses. Period.”

That’s despite an investigation by the Daily Wire that revealed Hunter Biden had his fingers in business pies in Saudi Arabia, Ivory Coast, Oman, Qatar, Taiwan, Zimbabwe, Greece and Mexico, in addition to his highly publicized business dealings in China and Ukraine while is father was vice president.

Further, Breitbart has reported he took 411 trips across 29 countries during the years his father was vice president, including 23 flights in or out of Joint Base Andrews, where Air Force Two is stationed.

Also, the New York Post confirms that Joe Biden actually met with Ukrainian, Russian and Kazakhstani business associates of his son’s “at a dinner in Washington, D.C., while he was vice president.”

These all are on top of Hunter Biden’s involvement with Burisma, a Ukrainian gas company that was under investigation for corruption. It was paying Hunter Biden $83,333 a month to be on its board, even though he lacked experience in the energy industry.

This situation got Joe Biden involved personally in his son’s activities.

He openly boasted of threatening to withhold $1 billion in U.S. aid if Ukraine’s president did not fire the country’s top prosecutor, Victor Shokin, who at the time was investigating Burisma for corruption.

A French website reported Shokin later filed a criminal complaint naming Joe Biden and accusing him of committing a “criminal offense” in his campaign to get Shokin fired.

The new Daily Mail report said Hunter Biden and Freeh were hired by Popoviciu after his conviction in 2016 of bribing a university official so Popoviciu would buy a 550-acre plot of government land on the cheap.

“The hiring was revealed in 2019, but can now reveal the extensive propaganda and persuasion campaign planned by Hunter for the Romanian criminal, all while Hunter’s father was vice president,” the Mail said.

In fact, the report said, “Emails on Hunter’s abandoned laptop reveal how Joe Biden’s son and his colleagues leveraged their U.S. government connections and plotted a propaganda campaign for the grafting Romanian tycoon.”

Hunter Biden, the revealed emails show, brought in Freeh, the former director of the FBI, to use his U.S. law enforcement contacts for Popoviciu’s advantage, and was offered a referral fee as a result.

Under the Foreign Agents Registration Act, anyone advocating for foreign entities to U.S. government officials, or acting as a publicist for a foreign entity in the U.S., must add themselves to a Department of Justice public register, the report said.

“Emails show Hunter’s colleagues, partners in law firm Boies Schiller Flexner, Christopher Boies and Michael Gottlieb, seeking to set up meetings with the U.S. ambassador to Romania, after discussing among themselves whether he would intervene in Popoviciu’s case,” the report said.

“Hunter and his colleagues also discussed a media campaign, including to major U.S. publication the Wall Street Journal, to support their client who was later found guilty of bribery,” the report said.

The report said Hunter Biden’s emails show him scrambling to try to save Popoviciu, reaching out to the man who then was U.S. ambassador to Romania.

There were further emails about what best to do in the case, but they noted such conversations could not be held “over phone.”

In another email, Freeh also offered to give a referral payment to Hunter for getting him the job with Popoviciu.

“I would also like to make a small payment to you for this referral-and for your continuing work on this matter,” Freeh wrote. “This is a standard practice. It’s strictly your call as I don’t know your relationship with the client. We would just need your bank information in order to make a remittance.”

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