“Right Now I’m Scared” – CDC Director Chokes Back Tears As She Fearmongers “Impending Doom” – SHTF Plan

This article was originally published by Tyler Durden at ZeroHedge. 

In a stunningly emotional outburst during this morning’s COVID-19 Response press conference, new CDC Director Rochelle Walensky went “off-script” (though if one watches her eyes it appears she is very much reading a script) to warn the public about her “impending doom” following a rise in COVID cases and hospitalizations.

The seven-day average of hospital admissions with confirmed or suspected Covid-19 increased in 25 states plus the nation’s capital and Puerto Rico last week, compared with the same period a week earlier, according to U.S. Department of Health and Human Services data through Saturday.

The most dramatic surge has come in Michigan, with admissions up 50%, to an average of 379 a day. The next-worst momentum was in South Dakota, where daily admissions rose by 40% to an average of 28.

“I’m going to reflect on the recurring feeling I have of impending doom,” Walensky said, appearing to hold back tears.

“We do not have the luxury of inaction. For the health of our country, we must work together now to prevent a fourth surge.”

“Right now, I’m scared,” Walesky exclaimed.

Here is what Walensky is freaking out about… (could that simply be a rise in testing around Spring Break as responsible Americans check their health before traveling? Or is it remnants of the vaccines being picked up by the RT-PCR tests being run at 35 Ct?)

Source: Bloomberg

Of course, Fauci knows why:

“I think the reason we’re seeing this plateauing and the increase that I hope doesn’t turn into a surge is because we are really doing things prematurely right now with regard to opening up.”

Walensky implored Americans to mask up, socially distance, etc., etc. as she is worried about a new wave “if rules are lifted” too soon…

“I’m speaking today not necessarily as your CDC director, but as a wife, as a mother, as a daughter to ask you to just please hold on a little while longer,”

Finally, just in case you were wondering, here’s what is happening in Texas since all those federally-mandated restrictions were lifted…

Source: Bloomberg

As we previously noted, on Saturday, Texas’ seven-day Covid positivity rate reached an all-time low of 5.27%, while hospitalizations fell to their lowest level since October, according to the latest state data. The state recorded 2,292 new coronavirus cases, about 500 fewer on average from last week, and 107 new deaths. The number of people hospitalized with coronavirus, meanwhile, dipped to 3,308.

In other words, lifting the mask mandate and re-opening the state did not lead to the health catastrophe predicted by all the ‘experts’, in fact, the opposite happened.

Walensky’s level of fearmongering is disgusting and disingenuous and the American people are growing more and more insensitive to such evocations. Walensky said she is speaking with governors tomorrow to address the rise in cases.

“We’re essentially pleading with people even though we have an urge particularly with the warm weather to just cut loose,” NIAID director Anthony Fauci said.

Does the Biden administration really need to fearmonger about COVID to such a degree to distract from the border crisis?

The post “Right Now I’m Scared” – CDC Director Chokes Back Tears As She Fearmongers “Impending Doom” first appeared on SHTF Plan – When It Hits The Fan, Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You.
In a stunningly emotional outburst during this morning’s COVID-19 Response press conference, new CDC Director Rochelle Walensky went “off-script” (though if one watches her eyes it appears she is very much reading a script) to warn the public about her “impending doom” following a rise in COVID cases and hospitalizations.
The post “Right Now I’m Scared” – CDC Director Chokes Back Tears As She Fearmongers “Impending Doom” first appeared on SHTF Plan – When It Hits The Fan, Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You.
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