Robert Kiyosaki: Inflation Will “Wipe Out 50% Of The US Population”

Inflation is here, and we have all noticed it either at the grocery store or when we gas up. And Rich Dad, Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki is one of the latest experts to sound the alarm saying it’s going to wipe out half of the United States population.

“When inflation goes up, we’re going to wipe out 50% of the U.S. population,” Kiyosaki told Stansberry Research earlier this month.  According to a report by Yahoo News, the Federal Reserve (central banking cartel) are no longer using the term “transitory” to describe inflation. Anyone paying even a small amount of attention knew it was going to be anything but.

U.S. consumer prices jumped 8.5% in March from a year ago, marking the fastest increase since December 1981. That could give the Fed more reason to continue raising interest rates — something that’s already casting a giant shadow over the stock market.

Kiyosaki is incredibly concerned with the current state of the U.S. economy. The global economic situation does not look that much better, in fact, the world’s entire supply chain is one small crisis away from destroying the lives of millions or billions of people.  “America has stopped producing products, we produce bubbles,” he says, adding that we now have bubbles in the real estate market, the stock market, and the bond market.

The author also criticizes President Joe Biden’s decision to halt the Keystone XL oil pipeline, which he believes is a major reason energy prices are so high. It also spells trouble for those who want to enjoy their golden years. When the bubbles burst, Kiyosaki says, the stock market will crash. So those relying on their 401(k) plans “are toast.”

“We don’t have a retirement, our pensions are bust.”

Beat inflation the best you can by stocking up. We could see the food supply crunch coming a mile away and the inflation was obvious once the central banks of the globe started creating money out of thin air. It looks like all of this is far more than a coincidence.

With price levels continuing to spike, the Fed is no longer using the word ‘transitory’ to describe inflation.

It’s a vicious cycle criticized by many investing veterans. And Rich Dad, Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki is one of the latest experts to sound the alarm.

“When inflation goes up, we’re going to wipe out 50% of the U.S. population,” he told Stansberry Research earlier this month.

Let’s take a closer look at what Kiyosaki means by that.

Consumer crunched

Kiyosaki isn’t exactly pleased with the current state of the U.S. economy.

“America has stopped producing products, we produce bubbles,” he says, adding that we now have bubbles in the real estate market, the stock market and the bond market.

Given his grim outlook, it’s no big surprise that Kiyosaki is a fan of safe haven assets like gold and silver. Precious metals can’t be printed out of thin air like fiat money, and they’ve been helping investors preserve their purchasing power for centuries.

The price of gold is up about 8% year to date. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has given investors a new reason to check out the yellow metal.

While Kiyosaki owns gold — he first purchased the yellow metal in 1972 — he prefers silver in today’s economic environment.

In a tweet last month, Kiyosaki revealed that he had purchased 2,500 American Silver Eagle bullion coins and offered his bullish reasons for doing so.

“Gold already moved up. Bitcoin still too high,” the tweet says. “Silver 50% below all time high. Silver an industrial metal as well as $.”

Bubbles tend to pop — eventually. When they do, many people see their wealth take a significant hit. 


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