Russia: Kiev’s Forces To Stage False Flag Tochka-U Strikes At Own Civilians In Lvov & Volyn Regions To Draw West Into A War

Kiev Plans False Flag Missile Strikes on Mass Gatherings in Western Ukraine on 8 May – MoD. The false flag operation is aimed at drawing US directly into the war and giving pretext to Polish forces to enter into the Western Ukraine.

The Kiev regime plans another false-flag operation involving civilian deaths in Ukraine’s western regions on May 8, Colonel-General Mikhail Mizintsev, chief of Russia’s National Defense Management Center, said.

The strike will be carried out using Tochka-U missiles, which Russia has repeatedly said it had retired a while ago. The Russian Defence Ministry has stated that Ukrainian forces are planning a false flag operation involving missile strikes at gatherings of civilians in the Lvov and Volyn regions in Ukraine’s west. The ministry said that the goal of this operation is to falsely accuse Russia of causing civilian deaths.


“The Kiev regime plans to carry out yet another sophisticated provocation involving the death of civilians in the western regions of the country on May 8 during the Day of Remembrance and Reconciliation celebrated in Ukraine instead of the Victory Day […] It will be carried out in order to accuse the Russian Armed Forces of indiscriminate missile strikes”, the ministry said.
The ministry elaborated that Ukrainian forces will be using Tochka-U missiles for this purpose. Kiev has repeatedly accused Moscow of firing these missiles at Ukrainian civilian targets, but Moscow strongly denied these accusations, noting that the Russian Armed Forces stopped using Tochka-U missiles a long time ago, unlike its Ukrainian counterpart.
MOSCOW, May 8. /TASS/. The Kiev regime plans another false-flag operation involving civilian deaths in Ukraine’s western regions on May 8 in order to put the blame for indiscriminate missiles strikes on the Russian Armed Forces; for this purpose, Ukrainian forces are expected to fire a Tochka-U tactical ballistic missile at public gatherings in the Lvov and Volyn regions, Colonel-General Mikhail Mizintsev, chief of Russia’s National Defense Management Center, said on Saturday.

“On May 8, 2022, during Day of Remembrance and Reconciliation marked in Ukraine (which was established to replace Victory Day marking the Soviet people’s victory in the 1941-1945 Great Patriotic War), the Kiev regime is plotting sophisticated provocations resulting in civilian deaths, in order to subsequently blame the Russian Armed Forces for indiscriminate missile strikes,” said Mizintsev.

According to the general, who heads the Russian Joint Coordination Headquarters for Humanitarian Response in Ukraine, the Ukrainian forces will strike with Tochka-U missiles at busy areas in settlements of the Lvov and Volyn regions, as it happened at Kramatorsk train station.

Mizintsev added that these false-flag operations of Ukrainian authorities, plotted with the approval of their Western handlers, show Kiev’s complete indifference to own citizens.

“We emphasize once more that while accomplishing the assignments of the special military operation, the Russian Armed Forces, unlike the Ukrainian armed formations, are particularly humane towards local population and do not strike civilian facilities,” he noted.

The Tochka-U is a modernized version of the Soviet high-accuracy tactical missile system Tochka, developed by the Kolomna Design Bureau of Mechanical Engineering. Its task is to hit small targets 15-120 kilometers away inside the enemy’s defense. It consists of a single-stage missile, carrying an inseparable warhead and controlled throughout the entire flight path.

In Russia, the last Tochka-U was withdrawn from service at the end of 2019. All of the units that had used it previously were re-armed with the Iskander-M operational-tactical missile systems.

Also Ukrainian nationalist formations plan to blow up the dam of Kurakhovskaya Thermal Power Plant reservoir in Donbass and to shift the blame later on the Russian military, Mizintsev stated.

“In Pokrovskiy district of the Donetsk People’s Republic, Ukrainian armed formations have mined the dam of Kurakhovskaya Thermal Power Plant [TPP] reservoir, which the nationalists plan to blow up, blaming ‘allegedly advancing units of the Russian troops’,” he said.

If this cynical ‘scenario’ takes place, more than ten settlements with about seven thousand inhabitants would be in the flood zone,” Mizintsev continued.

According to him, “Due to the lack of the necessary volume of water in the reservoir, accidents will occur in the TPP cooling system, causing power outages in most of the Donetsk People’s Republic, as well as in Zaporozhye and Dnepropetrovsk regions.”

Russia’s military operation

The situation at the line of engagement in Donbass escalated on February 17. The Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics (DPR and LPR) reported the most massive bombardments by the Ukrainian military in recent months, which damaged civilian infrastructure and caused civilian casualties.

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