Russia Says NATO Troops Are Directly Involved In The Ukraine Conflict

Russia is claiming that NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) has crossed the lines into direct involvement by deploying troops in the war with Ukraine. Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu has claimed that the United States, the United Kingdom, and Polish military personnel are operating air defense and multiple-launch rocket systems.

The Russian defense chief says that more than 5,000 foreign fighters have been killed since hostilities broke out in February 2022. Of those, 1,427 were Polish, 466 were from the U.S., and 344 were from the U.K.

According to a report by RT, Shoigu made the comment while speaking at a meeting of Defense Ministry officials on Tuesday, where President Vladimir Putin was also present. Shoigu stated that “NATO service members are directly operating air defense systems, tactical ballistic missiles, and multiple launch rocket systems” in Ukraine. He cited radio intercepts featuring English and Polish speakers. According to the minister, Western officers are also playing an active role in preparing Ukrainian military operations as well as training troops, both in their home countries and in Ukraine.

“Working in the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ interest are 410 NATO military and dual-purpose space devices,” Shoigu estimated. He also said applauded Russia’s defense industry for ramping up production in the past 18 months and helping prevent ammunition shortages on the front lines. “Despite the sanctions, we are manufacturing more high-tech weaponry than NATO countries,” Shoigu continued.

The minister concluded by stating that “as of today, the Russian army is the best-prepared and most combat-ready in the world, armed with cutting-edge weapons tested in combat.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin also said at the same meeting that the West’s efforts to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia have failed. Russia has been destroying much of the military equipment sent to Ukraine by the West during the war.

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