Russia Threatens To Ban YouTube After State-Run Channels Got Banned – Ailan Evans Conservative Daily News

By Ailan Evans

Russia said it was developing plans to ban YouTube after its state-backed broadcaster RT had its German-language channels removed for COVID-19 misinformation.

YouTube banned two of RT’s German-language channels on Tuesday, saying the broadcaster had breached the platform’s terms of service. Russia said it was developing plans to pursue “symmetrically retaliatory measures” against YouTube and German media over the ban, according to a Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs press release Wednesday.

We strongly condemn the @YouTube aggression against the two German-speaking operators of the @RT_com group.

The Russian Ministry of Foreign affairs condemned the ban as an act of political censorship, accusing Germany of conspiring with the tech company to remove information on behalf of the German government.

“YouTube committed an act of unprecedented information aggression against RT’s German-language projects with Germany’s tacit consent,” the ministry tweeted. “We asked Russia’s competent agencies to adopt retaliatory measures regarding YouTube and the German media.”

The country’s media and telecommunications regulator Roskomnadzor said it had informed Google that it would restrict Russians’ access to YouTube unless the company reinstated the channels, according to Reuters.

Tensions between Google, the owner of YouTube, and Russia flared earlier this month after the tech giant was forced to delete, under threat of prosecution, a voting app linked to dissident and Vladimir Putin critic Alexei Navalny from its Google Play Store. Russia has intensified its crackdown on social media in recent years, slowing uploads to Twitter and suing social media companies for not removing content encouraging political dissent.

The YouTube spokesperson did not comment on the tech giant’s response to Russia’s actions. The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.

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Russia Threatens To Ban YouTube After State-Run Channels Got Dinged For COVID Misinformation is posted on Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more.

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