Russia To Donate 500,000 Tons Of Grain To Poorest Countries In Next 4 Months – Agriculture Minister

The Russian Federation is absolutely ready to replace Ukrainian grain and carry out exports at affordable prices to all countries concerned, Dmitry Patrushev said
MOSCOW. /TASS/. Russia, with Turkey’s participation, is poised to deliver free of charge up to 500,000 metric tons of grain to the poorest nations in the coming four months, Russian Agriculture Minister Dmitry Patrushev said on the Rossiya-24 news channel on Saturday.

“Taking into consideration that Russia has always been and remains a reliable partner and is ready to provide the world with the required amount of food, our country is poised to supply the poorest countries with up to 500,000 metric tons of grain for free in the next four months,” he said.

“We will do it with the participation of our reliable partner – Turkey,” he said.

“If we take a look at the situation in general, then, taking into account this year’s crop, the Russian Federation is absolutely ready to replace Ukrainian grain and carry out exports at affordable prices to all countries concerned,” Patrushev said.

Earlier, the Agriculture Russian Ministry said that 147.5 million tons of grain had already been harvested. According to the ministry’s prognosis, wheat will account for 100 million tons out of 150 million tons of grain that is expected to be gathered by the end of 2022.

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