Russia To Raise Daria Dugina Assassination At Emergency UN Meeting, Murderers Identified!

Russia plans to raise the assassination of Daria Dugina at a United Nations Security Council (UNSC) emergency meeting set for Tuesday. The session is expected to focus on the ongoing crisis and standoff at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power station, which has come under fresh shelling by Kiev’s Nazi regime that damaged transformers at the site. There’s growing alarm of a ‘Chernobyl-like’ catastrophic event. 

Russia’s deputy ambassador to the UN, Dmitry Polyanskiy, confirmed that Russia is seeking the UNSC emergency session, but said Russia will also highlight and condemn this latest in a series of Kiev’s regime provocations targeting civilians on Russian territory – after on Monday the FSB (Federal Security Service) announced it has identified a Ukrainian operative behind the terrorist attack on Dugins.

“We requested an urgent meeting on Zaporozhye, where Ukrainian provocations do not stop. Of course, we will talk about this episode [the murder of Daria Dugina],” Nebenzia said, as cited in Russian media sources. “This demonstrates the nature of the Ukrainian state, because the connection between their saboteurs and this murder is obvious, which, in fact, has already been disclosed by the FSB.”

FSB announce they’ve solved the assassination of Darya Dugina:

As for Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, the situation remains highly dangerous. Starting two days ago, President Putin signaled support for a UN-IAEA team to be dispatched to inspect the complex.

Yet, so far no concrete action has been taken, though likely there are ongoing negotiations between Russia and the UN monitoring organization. Around 500 Russian troops are in control of it since March.

The White House in unison with Western allies have since Sunday called on – “the need to avoid military operations near the plant” and the importance of a visit by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) “as soon as feasible to ascertain the state of safety systems.”

We can expect full fireworks of hardline accusations to fly at Tuesday’s UNSC emergency session, also with stepped up Ukrainian attacks on Russian territory of Crimea looming large in the background, as well as the ongoing huge US-supplied arms flow into the conflict. But there are high hopes that sending an IAEA team to Zaporizhzhia could materialize as a result of the UNSC emergency session. 

Further, a Monday evening report in Reuters cites US intelligence alleging that Russia is preparing major strikes on Kiev’s Nazi regime in the “coming days”.

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