Russian High School, Covid Fears, and Satan 2 – Stucky The Burning Platform

My inspiration in throwing this together this morning is based on yesterday’s article on the pussification of Western males. Of course, this has serious national security implications for the West … IF the East has real men, not pussified Soi Boys.  Do they?  It is also for the few clueless boneheads here who sill think of Russia in terms of the 1980’s or, worse, the old USSR.


The above video is the “Dresden Ball” in Saint Petersburg. (The orchestra is German-Russian.)  Participating are students from Suvorov Military Schools …. high schools with a serious military education.  They are preparation schools for passing the very difficult entrance exams to Russian military officer academies. These high schools kids study advanced mathematics, physics, basic tactics, principles of leadership and squad and platoon command, and upon graduation are well versed in all kinds of weaponry.  Big emphasis is also placed on physical fitness and stamina …. I dare you to find a fatfuk among them.

America has no counterpart. I spent 10+ years servicing HP Software for Culver Military Academy (Culver, IN).  Yes, it absolutely is academically a step, or two, above government high schools. But, an actual military academy?  Hardly!   It’s basically a boys boarding school (for the rich) where they teach cadets marching and how to be a glorified Boy Scout.  And, of course, they are very woke and committed to Diversity & Inclusion!

I don’t expect many to watch the entire video …. although, I think it’s worth it. The beautiful symphony starts at 5:04.  I will tell you that I am greatly disturbed with the lack of diversity.  You see no black or brown faces, only unattractive white faces. None of the boys have a tat, and none are fat. Don’t see any trannies or homos. No one seems to need a Snowflakey Safe Space … bunch of friggin alpha dogs.  And the women!  No pussy hats. No cows. No feminazis. No chicks with dicks.

I gotta tell ya — that’s no way to prepare a generation to serve their country, preparing them to die if necessary for their freedoms, and to grow an elite society!  We’re gonna kick their commie asses in a war!!


March 18, 2021 in Moscow …. a  celebration dedicated to the 7th anniversary of Crimea’s return home to Mother Russia. Hey, Dementia Joe, you fuktard …  stop demanding Russia return Crimea.  Crimea IS Russia you dickhead. SoS Stinkin’ Blinken was in Ukraine yesterday once again threatening Russia for deploying troops inside its own border, while assuring Ass Klown Zelensky that America has Ukraine’s back. Stinkin’ Blinken said Amerika is watching Russian aggression very very carefully.  (I’m certain Putin is shitting in his boots …. from laughing so hard.)

Anyway, there they are, 80,000 unmasked young people having a blast, loving their country. You know why Russians don’t wear masks?  Because they aren’t pussies.

As in the above video, no need to listen to the whole thing.  Just click through various spots.  Especially take notice of the crowd.  What do you see?  Here are my favorite sound bites (yes, I listened to the whole thing);

— 14:30 … that beautiful blond woman mesmerized me with her sulky voice

— 26:40 … appears to be an old traditional Cossack song … many shots of the crowd, and they really get into it

— 29:33 … Vladimir Putin comes on stage to thunderous applause … a MAGA type adoration

— 59:15  … a nice mens group … I love a deep bass voice

— 1:12:30 … not crazy about the male singer but, am mesmerized, once again, by the five long legged beauties,


Satan 2 is the name given to this ICBM by the West. The Russian designation is RS-28 Sarmat, and goes into service next year.  It is freaking enormous … 208 tons.  For scale, notice the man at the lower right.

It is hypersonic.  It can fly by ‘unpredictable route’ bypassing any missile defense system in the world. Range is 11,200 miles. Payload is ten tons. It can unleash ten large thermonuclear warheads or 16 smaller ones, or a combination of both. It is also capable of carrying up to 24 of Russia’s new Avangard hypersonic glide vehicles.  One missile is capable of destroying an area roughly the size of ….. Texas.

The neocon motherfuckers who run this country hate Russia with a passion. They are literally itching for a war with Russia. Such goddamned ignorant fools!!  The most bloodshed these armchair generals have ever seem is maybe a paper-cut from their retarded Powerpoint presentations on “containing” Russia.  But, they have no problem spilling YOUR blood, you damned useless peon cannon fodder. In their pretend world of “American Superiority”, they have no clue what they are up against.

No nation is a stranger to war, but for Russians war is a central part of who they are. Their “motherland” has been the battlefield where some of the largest armies have clashed, the most savage battles have been fought, the highest death tolls paid. Having prevailed over Mongol hordes and vanquished Napoleon and Hitler, many Russians believe no other nation has sacrificed so much for the world. Russia’s  national identity rooted in war.

While outsiders view Russia as an aggressor, Russians themselves see a country surrounded by enemies, poised in a permanent defensive crouch as it fights one invader after another. Time and again, history has called upon Russia to play the savior―of Europe, of Christianity, of civilization itself―and its victories, especially over the Nazis in World War II, have come at immense cost. Isolation becomes a virtuous destiny and the whole of its bloody history a point of pride. Even defeats lose their sting.

War is the unifying thread of Russia’s national epic, one that transcends its wrenching ideological transformations from the arch-conservative empire to the radical-totalitarian Soviet Union to the resurgent nationalism of the country today.  Our dumbfuk neocons understand none of this. Talk these days in Washington is the hopeless delusion of actually winning a “limited” nuclear exchange with Russia.  God help us all.


Dementia Joe has imposed yet more sanctions on Russia. These sanctions are a pathetic and toothless response from a Paper Tiger. Each and every sanction has only served to make Russia stronger, more self sufficient. Russia doesn’t need the USA!USA!USA!.  And Russia doesn’t need Europe either … in fact, it’s the other way around. American / European sanctions have made Russia virtually completely self-sufficient.

Take this to the bank Patriots; 1)- Amerika gets weaker with each passing day, while Russia becomes stronger, 2)- Amerika is moving towards Communism at breakneck speed and, 3) a Russian citizen is more free than we are.

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!  (We’re gonna need it.)


My inspiration in throwing this together this morning is based on yesterday’s article on the pussification of Western males. Of course, this has serious national security implications for the West … IF the East has real men, not pussified Soi Boys.  Do they?  It is also for the few clueless boneheads here who sill think … Continue reading “Russian High School, Covid Fears, and Satan 2”
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