Russian Intelligence Revealed Lloyd Austin’s Goals In Kiev

On November 20, the United States secretary of defense Lloyd Austin came to Kiev to meet with “Ukrainian leaders” and assure them that the United States would continue to support Ukraine. The voyage of the US official is obviously a necessary step amid the crises the West faced in its attempts to continue arming the Kiev regime. LINK Recently, Western media have been increasingly writing that the United States and European countries are tired of the war in Ukraine, while the public support for the Zelensky regime is weakening.

While Austin’s visit to Kiev is mainly addressing the western public, it is a clear sign to the Ukrainian people. The visits of Western officials to the war-torn country are often aimed to put more pressure on Zelensky and his elites. Their orders rarely face the interests of the Ukrainians but force Zelensky to take unpopular decisions, like launch bloody counteroffensive and mobilise millions more of servicemen.

The current voyage of Lloyd Ostin is not an exclusion. On November 20, the director of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation Sergey Naryshkin commented on the issue. According to the Russian intelligence, the West forced Zelensky to show the world the impossibility of Russia’s victory at any cost.

“The West demands from the Zelensky regime, regardless of losses, to demonstrate to the world community the impossibility of Russia’s victory in the Ukrainian conflict,” the press bureau of the department quotes the head as saying.

Washington reportedly ‘advised’ the Ukrainian authorities to strengthen mobilization to replenish the Ukrainian army which is still suffering heavy losses. In particular, Kiev plans to change the draft age and mobilize people from 17 to 70 years. In addition, Kiev is ordered to drastically increasing the number of women in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. According to Western estimates, there are already more than 40, 000 women serving in the Ukrainian army.

The ongoing hostilities have already revealed that mobilization of a large number of women is not effective.

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