Russia’s National Interests Now Extend To The Entire World Ocean, New Naval Doctrine Says

Moscow has updated the document in order to reflect the shifting global geopolitical and security landscape. Russian President Vladimir Putin on Sunday signed a revised naval doctrine that reflects the “change in the geopolitical and military-strategic situation in the world.”

Under the new doctrine, Russia’s national interests in the World Ocean envisage ensuring the country’s independence, state and territorial integrity and the inviolability of its sovereignty, TASS reports. Russia’s national interests extend to the entire World Ocean, as follows from the new Maritime Doctrine approved by Russian President Vladimir Putin on Sunday.

“The national interests of the Russian Federation as a great sea power extend to the entire World Ocean and the Caspian Sea. They are shaped taking into account challenges and threats to Russia’s national security in the World Ocean, generally-recognized principles and norms of international law, Russia’s international treaties, and also considering the sovereignty and national interests of other states,” says the document posted on the Russian government’s legal information web portal.

Under the new doctrine, Russia’s national interests in the World Ocean envisage ensuring the country’s independence, state and territorial integrity and the inviolability of its sovereignty, keeping its status as a great sea power, developing the maritime potential and strengthening its defense capability, providing for free shipping, fishing and scientific exploration, the safe operation of sea pipeline systems and environmental safety and developing the Arctic zone and the Northern Sea Route.

“Protecting Russia’s national interests in the World Ocean is a top state priority,” the document reads.

Priority areas in World Ocean

Russia’s new Maritime Doctrine divides the areas of ensuring Russia’s interests in the World Ocean into the ‘vitally important,’ ‘important’ and ‘other’ categories.

The first group covers the areas that “are directly related to the development of the state, the protection of its sovereignty and territorial integrity, strengthening its defense and that exert critical influence on the country’s social and economic development.”

These embrace Russia’s internal sea waters and its territorial sea, the exclusive economic zone and its continental shelf, the Arctic basin, including the waters of the Northern Sea Route, the waters of the Sea of Okhotsk and the Russian sector of the Caspian Sea, according to the document.

‘Important’ areas are defined as those “that have considerable influence on Russia’s economic development, the well-being of its population and national security, and also on maintaining the state’s strategic and regional security.”

In particular, these areas cover the waters adjacent to the Russian coastline, including the Sea of Azov and the Black Sea, the eastern Mediterranean, the Black Sea, Baltic and Kuril straits and world transportation routes, the new doctrine specifies.

“In order to protect its national interests in the World Ocean, Russia exercises its indisputable right to the presence of the Navy’s forces (troops) and their use in strict compliance with Russia’s legislation, its international treaties and norms of international law,” the document reads.

Threats to Russia in World Ocean

“Russia’s implementation of its independent foreign and domestic policy causes counteraction from the United States and its allies that are seeking to preserve their dominance in the world, including in the World Ocean. Their policy of containing Russia envisages exerting political, economic, military and information pressure on it,” according to the new doctrine.

Under the document, the country is developing amid existing and new threats that are related, first and foremost, to Russia’s geopolitical position and its role in global politics.”

“The force factor does not abate in international relations. The leading world powers that possess the substantial naval potential and a developed system of basing keep building up their naval presence in geopolitically important areas of the World Ocean, including in the waters of the oceans and seas adjacent to Russian territory,” the new doctrine reads, TASS summarizes the document.

The updated policy paper outlines Moscow’s ambitions in the maritime sphere RT reports:

Where do Russia’s national interests extend?
The revised doctrine explicitly states that Russia’s national interests “as a great naval power extend to the entire world’s oceans and the Caspian Sea,” a landlocked sea on Russia’s southern border. Moscow seeks to promote its interests based on “universally recognized principles and norms of international law,” while taking into consideration the interests of other nations.

What is seen as the main threat to Russia? 
The document outlines multiple “challenges and threats” facing Russia in the naval sphere, largely related to the activities of Washington and its allies. Among the threats, the doctrine identifies “the strategic course of the US to dominate in the world oceans” and the encroachment of “NATO military infrastructure” toward the country’s borders.

What about overseas naval bases?
The document acknowledges the lack of overseas naval re-supply points and bases, which are crucial for expanding the operational range of the Russian Navy. However, the doctrine envisions the creation of such a facility in the Red Sea.

Will Russia get aircraft carriers?
The doctrine includes plans to construct a new shipbuilding facility in Russia’s Far East. The shipyard will be used to build “large-capacity vessels” including ships suitable “for the development of the Arctic,” as well as “modern aircraft carriers for the Navy.” Currently, Russia has only one aircraft-carrying naval vessel, the Admiral Kuznetsov cruiser, which has been out of commission and undergoing repairs for several years already.

Will there be a focus on the Arctic?
While the doctrine identifies multiple “regional branches” of its maritime policies, it appears to pay particular attention to the Arctic region. The document says that Russia recognizes the Arctic not only as an area for global economic competition but from the “military standpoint” as well. It envisions building up the country’s military capabilities in the region, exploiting offshore natural recourses, and further developing the Northern Sea Route to turn it into a “safe, year-round and globally competitive Russian national shipping route.”

What are the ‘important’ regions for Russia?
Apart from listing the “vital” regional areas for the country, such as the Arctic, Northern Sea Route, Caspian Sea and, generally, domestic waters and continental shelf areas, the doctrine also outlines what it calls “important” zones, which it defines as those that “significantly impact the economic development, the material wellbeing of the population and the national security” of the country. Such zones include the Azov and Black Seas and Eastern Mediterranean, as well as the straits near the Kuril Islands, and Baltic and Black Seas. The doctrine envisions building additional naval infrastructure in the Crimean peninsula and the southern Krasnodar Region, as well as expanding the Black Sea fleet overall.

What does the doctrine say about using military force?
Russia reserves the right to use military force to protect its maritime interests should all diplomatic options be exhausted, according to the document. ”In order to protect its national interests in the world oceans, Russia exercises its indisputable right to the presence of the naval forces and their use in strict accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, international treaties and international law,” the doctrine states.

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