Sacrificing Kids On The Altar Of COVID: Jabbed Children Up To 5,100% More Likely To Die But American Politicians Are Pressuring For More – Seth Hancock

“You shall not worship the Lord your God in that way; for every abomination to the Lord which He hates they have done to their gods; for they burn even their sons and daughters in the fire to their gods.”—Deuteronomy 12:31 

 Numbers from Britain’s Office for National Statistics (ONS) show a startling difference in mortality rates among children who have been jabbed and those who have not with COVID shots. 

The Exposé reported that the “ONS have inadvertently provided enough details on deaths among children and teenagers by vaccination status for us to calculate the mortality rates ourselves, and to put it bluntly, they are horrifying, and make it obvious as to why the ONS chose to exclude children from the mortality rates dataset.” 

 In the 10 to 14 age group, the number of deaths per 100,000 person-years among those not jabbed is 4.58 compared to 45.12 for those with one shot and 238.37 for those with two shots. That’s an 885.2% difference between no shot and one shot and a 5,104.6% between no shot and two shots. It’s a 428.3% difference between one shot and two shots. 

 In the 15 to 19 age group, the number is 10.08 for no shot, 18.32 for one shot and 32.85 for two shots. That’s an 81.8% difference between no shot and one shot, 225.9% between no shot and two shots and 79.3% between one shot and two shots. 

 In America’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, maintained by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), there’s been a 1,000% increase in deaths being reported among the 5 to 11 age group since the experimental shots started being injected. Still, Big Pharma’s looking for a third jab for that age group

 Meanwhile, the CDC and the World Health Organization are issuing advisories of increased cases of adenovirus and hepatitis infections among children. They swear its unrelated to the “vaccines.” Of course, they won’t investigate it as a cause in the first place. 

 Collegiately, thousands of colleges and universities are requiring the jab and being paid to mandate it while suicide rates are skyrocketing

This is not normal. None of it is normal. Like, teenagers dying in their sleep, which is not normal. Dr. Paul Alexander’s headline says it all: 

 “Young children, teenagers, DO NOT just die in their sleep, one death is a serious enough matter: ‘Another Two Boys Died in Their Sleep Days After Receiving Second COVID-19 Vaccine’” 

 “When this happens, it is enough of a red flag that something is catastrophically wrong with the Pfizer vaccine, the mRNA platform, it is killing children, must not be used in our children, say NO!” 

 Are America’s politicians saying no? Not a chance. They’re saying the opposite. 

 The Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis (a more apt name would be the Select Subcommittee for Tyranny) has issued a letter to the Food and Drug Administration to get children 5 and under jabbed, according to Brian Shilhavy for Vaccine Impact

 That subcommittee includes five Republicans: Reps. Steve Scalise (Louisiana), Jim Jordan (Ohio), Mark Green (Tennessee), Nicole Malliotakis (New York) and Mariannette Miller-Meeks (Iowa). 

 “These members of Congress are complicit with the criminal act of attempted murder against the nation’s babies and children, and I encourage everyone who reads this to contact them and let them know that they will be held accountable for their actions, if not in this life, then when they die and meet their Creator,” Shilhavy wrote. 

 They want to force the jabs on everyone, and they don’t care the side effects. 

Parents who have lost their children to the jab regime are forced to resort to taking out billboards to try and get attention, as was the case for Ernesto Ramirez of Texas. Matt Agorist wrote for The Free Thought Project

 “Since his son died, Ramirez has been facing an uphill battle of censorship and hatred. Many folks online are angry with Ramirez for telling people that the vaccine caused his son’s death. But this hasn’t stopped this single father. Instead, it’s made him go harder.” 

 “This week, he launched a billboard to tell people what happened to his son and unless the censors have a giant black sheet and a crane, lots of people will see this sign.” 

 You may recall that Ramirez’s 16-year-old son, Ernesto Jr., died last year after the Pfizer jab. And the government, Big Pharma and Big Media are ignoring him. 

 Ramirez didn’t sacrifice his son. His mistake was trusting the government. He doesn’t want other parents to make that mistake.  

 “They need to quit pushing this on our children. I lost mine. You need to protect yours,” Ramirez said


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