Satan Doomed To Perish – Mahla Iran News Daily

TEHRAN (Iran News) – On Friday afternoon, media outlets worldwide reported a shocking attack which was not at least shocking for those who sought justice to be carried out and the reports announced attack of a young man on Salman Rushdie, the author of a blasphemous anti-Islam book, and stabbing him.

Rushdie’s condition was not immediately known, but video footage from the incident showed people rushing to his aid after he was attacked at the event in Chautauqua County, and according to reports he was taken to hospital to undergo medical treatment.

The man who is reportedly pro Martyr Qasem Soleimani fan rushed to the stage at the Chautauqua Institution and attacked Rushdie as he was being introduced during a ceremony, a witness told Reuters, adding the attacker was subsequently restrained.

Police said Rushdie suffered an apparent stab wound to his neck and was transported by helicopter to the hospital. So far officials have not pointed to the health condition of Rushdie but some media outlets have reported that Rushdie has undergone some surgeries due to the wounds.

Rushdie is the author of “The Satanic Verses”, a blasphemous novel about Islam published in 1988 which sparked Muslims’ outrage across the globe.

Following the publication of the book in 1988, the late Imam Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic Republic, issued a fatwa (religious decree) calling for Rushdie’s death.

For years Rushdie has been living under tight security and protection and in panic because any moment he could be punished by Muslims whose feelings had been badly hurt because of Rushdie’s insult to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Of course, since the publication of the Satanic Verses which angered Muslims worldwide, Rushdie has been living in panic because any moment he could face justice being carried out for his offence and it seems after 34 years it has happened.

Rushdie is famous for insulting either by his books or his offensive remarks under the name of freedom of expression and even when other media or writers tried to insult Islam, he used to jump to their support under the guise of defender of the freedom of expression.

We have not yet forgotten the insult of French weekly Charlie Hebdo through its publishing of satirical caricature which hurt feelings of Muslims worldwide.

Now it seems the justice has been done through this young man who decided to bring down the Satan despite tough security regarding protection of this blasphemous author.

Of course no one likes or supports such attacks but since there is no action against the committed blasphemies by the judiciaries and government worldwide, people have to carry out the law by themselves.

Most countries in the world have approved laws to punish racism or denial of the Holocaust but when it comes to Islam and insulting this religion, they jump to defend insult as the sign of freedom of expression and this attitude has made Muslims and even other freedom-seeking people in the world believe that laws are selective and are approved in favor of some certain groups and they should not expect at least from the Westerners to take action against insulters to Islam and its beloved and dear Prophet (PBUH).

So attack on Rushdie once again proved the world that justice will be done sooner or later and offender will be unable to escape his punishment and the news of attack made Muslims worldwide happy who sought punishment for Rushdie for his offences but he was under production of heavy security to continue his live without punishment.

Now it seems after the attack, Western media have started a new wave of Islamophobia to paint a savage picture of Islam to justify Rushdie’s offences and condemn the attack.

As long as the West or any country supports blasphemy against any religion and does not take action against it, the world will witness such reactions and attacks because people will decide to carry out the laws by themselves.

Rushdie and his likes now will realize that they will not be able to escape unpunished by insulting religions and people under the name of freedom of expression, and justice will prevail sooner or later no matter the offender is under heavy protection, because if there is a will there is a way for bringing the offenders to justice like what happened for Rushdie and this author saw the implementation of justice in a country which is itself one of the main offenders of the human rights and needs to be punished by the world and it will happen soon as the country is witnessing gradual decline.

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