Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts
I have had confirmation of my report last Saturday that Norway has terminated all Covid restrictions ( https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2021/09/25/norway-has-the-opposite-covid-policy-to-the-us-uk-and-eu/ ). I am uncertain whether it is an immediate termination or the beginning of a phase out. Norway’s equivalent to the CDC has downgraded Covid-19 to a strong flu. There will be no Covid passport. In Sweden Covid restrictions are scheduled to end this Wednesday September 29. The Danish government decided two weeks ago to end Covid restrictions. The President of Croatia has also declared: “We will not be vaccinated anymore.” ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXTGgup_Yto ) Have you heard any of this on CNN, NPR, MSNBC or read it in The NY Times?
How do we explain Scandinavia and Croatia going the opposite direction to the EU?
It is a known fact the the EU government is authoritarian, not democratic. Power rests in an unelected Commission. As Covid restrictions are a boon to authoritarianism, perhaps the Scandinavian governments have decided against that direction.
The Scandinavian position is also totally different from the US one where the CNN-NPR-MSNBC-NY Times lie machine and Big Pharma shills such as Fauci, Walensky, and the White House Idiot continue to push for mask mandates, vaccination of children, booster shots, and firings and lockdowns if there is public resistance to any more inoculation.
The lie machine keeps turning out propaganda that adverse reactions to the vaccine are new Covid cases among the unvaccinated, that the vaccine protects despite requiring endless boosters and that if it doesn’t protect it still reduces Covid mortality, that 1,000,000 American children have Covid, and every other lie they can concoct to drive people into more injections. Is profit the only motive? Probably not. Elite Americans are the largest audience at the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset” indoctrinations.
If Scandinavia can recover from the Covid brainwashing, why cannot the US, UK, and EU?
And what is wrong with Israel? Jews are supposed to be intelligent. Yet Israel continues a self-defeating policy in the face of Israeli mainstream media broadcasts that the vaccination policy is a total failure—https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/israeli-tv-drops-bombshell-vaccine-seems-useless. If the English translation of the news broadcast is correct, of the previous day’s new 279 Covid cases in Israel, 259 were “fully vaccinated.” Only 29 were “unvaccinated.” In other words 90% of the new Israeli Covid cases were fully vaccinated people.
The Israeli news broadcast goes on to report that the US CDC has admitted that people infected with the “Delta variant” have the same viral load whether or not they are fully vaccinated. In other words, vaccinated people can spread the virus as easily as the unvaccinated and thus the policy of excluding vaccinated Covid patients from quarantine is nonsensical. The news announcer says such questions are not discussed because of concern that people will not bother to take the vaccine. The only remaining reason the news announcer can find for taking the vaccine is the unverified, and almost certainly false, claim that whereas you have no protection from the vaccine against catching Covid, you have a smaller chance of dying from the virus if you are vaccinated. This conclusion leaves out the known injuries and deaths from the vaccine itself, but there is probably a limit to what the news organization can report.
So there you have it. The only remaining justification for being vaccinated is the unverified claim that although the vaccine will not reduce your chance of catching Covid, it will reduce your chance of dying from Covid as long as you ignore the chance of serious health injury or death from the vaccine itself.
Obviously, Israel should turn an eye to India, Japan, and Africa where Ivermectin is in widespread use and has shut down Covid. This policy is far more safe, efficient, and much less costly than the mRNA vaccines. Why is the Israeli government ignoring the obvious solution and instead conducting a Holocaust policy against Israeli Jews?
Why are the US, UK, EU, Canadian, Australian, and New Zealand governments conducting a Holocaust policy against their own people?
Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts I have had confirmation of my report last Saturday that Norway has terminated all Covid restrictions ( https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2021/09/25/norway-has-the-opposite-covid-policy-to-the-us-uk-and-eu/ ). I am uncertain whether it is an immediate termination or the beginning of a phase out. Norway’s equivalent to the CDC has downgraded Covid-19 to a strong flu. There will … Continue reading “Scandinavian Governments Announce “Covid Is Over,” Israel Announces the Vaccine Doesn’t Protect”
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