Shooting You Forever! Fauci: Americans Will Need A 3rd Shot To Be Considered “Fully Vaccinated” – Mac Slavo SHTF Plan

Americans will likely need a third shot of the experimental gene therapy in order to be considered “fully vaccinated,” even though by all definitions, these shots are not “vaccines.” While pushing for a third shot, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the head medical tyrant said that the decision will ultimately be left up to federal health agencies.

On Thursday, Fauci told reporters at a Thursday press briefing that Israel is the example and booster shots will be necessary. “From my own experience as an immunologist, I would not at all be surprised if the adequate, full regimen for vaccination will likely be three doses,” he said, adding that the booster data from Israel showed a “very clear” and “dramatic” improvement in protection.

But not enough. So in comes the new scariant called the “Mu variant.”  It’s “vaccine-resistant” and there’s a reason.  People are going to start to figure out that they are still getting the common cold (which is what they renamed COVID-19) even though they’ve been fully “vaccinated.”  The ruling class has begun covering their asses. They won’t be able to lie about the unvaccinated being hospitalized for much longer because people are able to see with their own eyes that it’s a fabrication.

While Fauci stressed that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have yet to reach a final verdict on boosters, he said there is “good reason to believe” that third doses will not only produce a “strong” immune response in recipients, but a “durable” one.

“And if it is durable, then you’re going to have very likely a three-dose regimen being the routine regimen. But we’ll just have to wait to make sure that’s the case when the data gets presented to the FDA,” he said. –RT

Fauci also said “Mu” isn’t an immediate threat.  He’s more concerned that people keep saying no to the injections he’s peddling. In fact, here’s a fun quote. Let’s apply critical thinking to this and determine what he’s saying:

“Not to downplay [Mu], we take it very seriously, but remember, even when you have variants that do diminish somewhat the efficacy of the vaccines, the vaccines still are quite effective against variants of that type,” Fauci said.

He literally said variants will diminish the efficacy of the “vaccines,” but that they are still effective. Does he not understand the meaning of words, or are Americans really this stupid?

All we can do is remain prepared and alert and keep our critical thinking skills perfected.  It’s getting a lot easier to sense the bullshit considering that’s all that comes out of the mouths of any of the rulers.

The post Fauci: Americans Will Need A 3rd Shot To Be Considered “Fully Vaccinated” first appeared on SHTF Plan – When It Hits The Fan, Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You.
Americans will likely need a third shot of the experimental gene therapy in order to be considered “fully vaccinated,” even though by all definitions, these shots are not “vaccines.” While pushing for a third shot, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the head medical tyrant said that the decision will ultimately be left up to federal health agencies.
The post Fauci: Americans Will Need A 3rd Shot To Be Considered “Fully Vaccinated” first appeared on SHTF Plan – When It Hits The Fan, Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You.
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