Supreme Court Dismisses Lin Wood Election Lawsuit Without Comment | The Epoch Times

The Supreme Court on Monday morning dismissed a Nov. 3 election-related case filed by defamation lawyer Lin Wood. The high court did not issue a comment as it denied Wood’s case (pdf), saying, “The petitions of writs of mandamus are denied.” Wood filed several third-party cases to challenge the results of last year’s election. Wood had asked the Supreme Court justices to block the Jan. 5 Senate runoff elections in Georgia. Democrats won both Senate seats, giving them a slim majority in the Senate. A separate lawsuit that was filed in November by Wood was rejected by the Supreme Court in February. That lawsuit alleged that there were numerous problems with how the election was conducted, including signature matching on absentee ballots. Wood, a high-profile defamation lawyer, has not issued a comment on his Telegram page after the Supreme Court’s decision but said on March 7 that he believes “Georgia is …
The Supreme Court on Monday morning dismissed a Nov. 3 election-related case filed by defamation lawyer Lin Wood. The high court did not issue a comment as it denied Wood’s case (pdf), saying, “The petitions of writs of mandamus are denied.” Wood filed several third-party cases to challenge the results of last year’s election. Wood
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