Survival Or Suicide: Italy Will Follow Meloni’s Melody, Not The Schlein Whine – Tobias Langdon

If you want to understand Christianity better, learn Italian. An ancient link is obscured in English, but obvious in Italian. Take the Gospel of John. When you read it in English, you’ll see Jesus calls one of his disciples “a devil” at the end of chapter 6. St John explains that He is referring to Judas, “one of the twelve.” Right after that, at the beginning of chapter 7, St John says that Jesus stayed in Galilee and avoided Judaea, because the Jews were trying to kill Him. Do you get it?

Servants of Satan

Well, no, you don’t get it in English. Now try Italian. At the end of chapter 6, Jesus talks about un diavolo among His disciples, who St John explains is Giuda, “Judas.” Then, at the beginning of chapter 7, St John says that Jesus avoided Giudea, “Judaea,” because i Giudei, “the Jews,” were trying to kill him. Now do you get it? Giuda, Giudea, Giudei — Italian makes plain what English spelling has obscured for centuries. In English, Judas should really be called Jewdas, because St John and the other evangelists were drawing a clear link between Judas and the Jews, between the individual betrayer of Christ and the collective crucifiers of Christ. Or rather, they were drawing a link between Judas and the Judaean form of the Hebrew religion. Like Judas, it had become corrupt and evil, serving not God but Satan. Jesus represented the uncorrupt form of the religion from Galilee, which was regarded as a backward and gentile-infested region by the sophisticated Judaeans of Jerusalem. To understand Christianity even better, you should think of Jesus and His disciples as like Texans in Washington or Yorkshiremen in London or Bretons in Paris.

That’s what it meant to be Galileans in Jerusalem. Jesus and His disciples were contemptible outsiders with uncouth accents, hicks from the sticks, and the Judean elite of Jerusalem first laughed at them, then sought to crush their movement. They crucified Christ, then began to blacken His name in the scriptures of the new religion they created in opposition to His teachings. When the traitorous Catholic church of today calls Jews “older brothers in the Faith,” it’s not merely being sycophantic: it’s lying. Judaism as we know it today is actually younger than Christianity, because the old Hebrew religion was taken over by the Pharisees whom Christ opposed and exposed as hypocrites and “whited sepulchers.” Those Pharisees created the strange, perverted and intensely xenophobic text known as the Talmud, where Jews are exalted, goyim are demonized, and Christ is damned to an eternity of boiling in excrement.

Prayer versus Predation

Bear that Talmudic attitude to Christ in mind the next time you see the Pope or the Archbishop of Canterbury sucking up to Jews, the inveterate enemies of Christianity. Jews aren’t “older brothers in the Faith”: they’re younger blasphemers against the Faith. They’ve never abandoned their hostility to Christianity and their desire to destroy it. As Bernard M. Smith has explained at the Occidental Observer, Christianity teaches its followers to pray for their enemies. Talmudic Judaism teaches its followers to prey on their enemies. And who are those enemies? All goyim, of course, but Christians in particular. We’re fit for nothing but exploitation or extermination, as it suits the needs of the Jews. That’s why Jews have always led the war against the White Christian West. As the great Catholic writer Hilaire Belloc once explained: Christianity represents Truth, Beauty and Goodness, therefore Jews wage war on the West with lies, ugliness and evil. And in 2023 you can find all the elements of this war, and all the themes I’ve discussed above, on plain display in the great White nation of Italy, which has long been the heart of European civilization. Italy faces a choice between life and death, between right-wing sanity and leftist suicide, between light and darkness in all senses of those words.

It’s highly appropriate, then, that the forces of right-wing sanity in Italy are led by an attractive blonde working-class Christian called Giorgia Meloni (born 1977) and the forces of leftist suicide are led by an ugly cosmopolitan Jewish lawyer called Elly Schlein (born 1985). Even their names are apt: Meloni is melodious, Schlein sounds like a cross between “slime” and “whine.”

However, I need to be clear: I don’t trust Giorgia Meloni, the current prime minister of Italy and leader of a party called Fratelli d’Italia (Brothers of Italy). Like Donald Trump, she has talked the talk on mass migration and wokism, but it remains to be seen if she will walk the walk. She may prove more important as a symbol than as a savior.

In fact, the number of migrants this year was four times the number in the same period the last two years, but Italy remains a gateway to generous northern European countries:

Italy rejects most of their asylum bids because they are fleeing poverty, not war or persecution. But, since barely a handful of countries have repatriation accords with Italy, the migrants who lose asylum bids often stay on for years in a legal limbo, or try to make their way to northern European countries.

That said, I completely trust Elly Schlein, leader of the leftist Partito Democratico, the heir to the Italian Communist party. Schlein is a passionate proponent of open borders to the Third World and is utterly opposed to Meloni’s attempt to raise Italian birth rates instead of importing Africans. Yes, I trust Schlein to work tirelessly for the destruction of Italy and tirelessly against the interests of the working-class Italian Whites who foolishly support her party. Schlein is a Judas like the so-called Democrat Joe Biden in America and the so-called Labourite Keir Starmer in Britain. She betrays her party’s traditional working-class supporters on behalf of woke capitalism and Third-World invaders.

The core of the contrast

Indeed, Schlein polished her treachery with the Democratic party. She worked for the slippery lawyer Barack Obama on his two successful presidential campaigns in 2008 and 2012. She’s a slippery lawyer herself, like Biden, Starmer, Blair and countless other Western politicians. She has proudly proclaimed herself to be bisessuale, or “bisexual,” and has three nationalities: Italian, Swiss and American. In other words, she’s perfectly at home among the traitorous Jew-dominated elite of Europe and America, the Pharisees of the present day who smile on non-White migrants and sneer at uncouth working-class Whites like Giorgia Meloni, who comes from a rough district in Rome and couldn’t afford to go to university, despite her academic ability.

Meloni and Schlein are opposites in so many ways, but the core of the contrast is racial: Meloni is a blonde White and Schlein is a big-nosed Jew. The mainstream reporter Nicholas Farrell didn’t of course mention race in his recent article about the two women, but he did provide an excellent summary of their differences:

As so often, it is the down-to-earth poor girl, Meloni, who is right-wing and pro-family, and the head-in-the-clouds posh girl, Schlein, who is left-wing and pro-migrant. Meloni is somewhere, while Schlein is anywhere. In a 2019 speech that brought about a huge rise in her public support, Meloni said: ‘Now they’re talking about getting rid of the words “father” and “mother” on documents. Because the family is an enemy, national identity is an enemy, sexual identity is an enemy. … It’s the old groupthink game: they’ve got to get rid of everything that we are, because when we no longer have an identity and we no longer have any roots, we will be deprived of awareness and incapable of defending our rights.

‘That’s their game. They want us to be Parent 1, Parent 2, gender LGBT, Citizen X: code numbers. But we are not code numbers, we are people and we will defend our identity. I am Giorgia! I am a woman! I am a mother! I am Italian! I am Christian! You will not take that away from me! You will not take that away from me!’

Two DJs took final lines of Meloni’s speech and used it to create a dance track called ‘I Am Giorgia’ to ridicule her, but the song became a huge hit. Those shouted words were music to the ears of millions of Italians — because they understand that if a society depends on mothers, and if we are no longer able to even say what a woman is, what hope does our civilisation have of survival? (Meloni knows that immigration and fertility are linkedThe Spectator, 29th April 2023)

When Meloni said “That’s their game” (È il loro gioco in Italian), she could easily have been accused of emitting an anti-Semitic dog-whistle. That’s because wokism and anti-Whiteness are indeed a Jewish game, played for the highest of possible stakes: survival or suicide for Western civilization. That game, with Whites on one side and Jews on the other, is now on plain display in Italy. Symbolically speaking, the antagonists in Italy couldn’t have been better chosen: it’s blonde Christian Meloni versus big-nosed Jewish Schlein. But Meloni’s humble origins are of central importance too. They’re echoed in a book that has long been a favorite among Italian supporters of the far right and proponents of White revival. The book is called Il Signore degli Anelli in Italian and The Lord of the Rings in English. Like Jesus and His disciples in the Gospels, the hobbits in Lord of the Rings were outsiders from a backwater, hicks from the sticks who were regarded with contempt by the powerful forces of evil in Tolkien’s invented universe. And yet the humble hobbits saved Middle-earth from Sauron, just as the humble Jesus saved humanity from Satan.

Meloni’s melody versus the Schlein whine

I don’t think the parallel between hobbits and Galileans was unintentional. Tolkien’s Christian faith taught him that salvation comes from the overlooked and despised. If she is sincere, Giorgia Meloni’s Christian faith teaches her the same thing and may now, be inspiring her in her fight against the evil elite represented by Elly Schlein. But although Meloni proudly announced sono cristiana — “I am Christian” — she has no support from Pope Francis, the supposed leader of the Catholic church. In his pro-migrant and pro-homosexual activism, Francis is on the side of Jewish Schlein, not of Christian Meloni. As in Jesus’ day, the religious and political elite is evil and corrupt, serving Satan, not God, implacably opposed to Truth, Beauty and Goodness.

That’s why, as in Jesus’ day, the elite won’t win. Giorgia Meloni may not be Italy’s savior, but she is certainly an ideal symbol of what will save Italy from Jewish subversion and non-White migration. Italy’s musical traditions extend from the sublime melodies of classical composers like Vivaldi to the ear-assaulting ugliness of noise-musicians like Marco Corbelli of Atrax Morgue. Vivaldi loved wine, women and song; Corbelli committed suicide. That musical contrast will play out in Italian politics too. Meloni’s melody will defeat the Schlein whine.

By Tobias Langdon

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