Sweden’s Prime Minister Admits Mass Immigration Failed, Created Parallel Societies, Gangs, Violence, Insecurity

Sweden is sitting on a demographic time-bomb. Sweden’s failure to properly integrate large numbers of migrants has led to the creation of parallel societies and gang violence, according to left-wing Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson.

swedish prime minister says integration has failed after migrant riots 'our society was too weak'
Hannibal Hanschke via Getty Images


Andersson made the comments in the aftermath of nationwide riots by migrant gangs over the Easter weekend that left a hundred police officers wounded.

Sweden’s approach to Islamic extremism and its failings in accommodating large numbers of migrants is the primary cause of the disorder, according to the Prime Minister.

“Segregation has gone so far that we have parallel societies in Sweden. We live in the same country, but different realities,” said Andersson.

“Integration was poor, and alongside, we have experienced intense immigration. Our society was too weak, while money for the police and social services too little,” she added.

As previously highlighted, German media outlets responded to violent riots in Sweden mainly involving Muslim migrants by claiming the unrest occurred as a result of “right-wing demos.”

Ukrainian refugees also expressed the desire to avoid being sent to Sweden, feeling that it was too unsafe.

Having been one of the safest countries in Europe 20 years ago before mass uncontrolled immigration, Sweden is now the continent’s second most dangerous in terms of gun crime behind only Croatia.

Last year, Germany’s Bild newspaper ran the headline: ‘Sweden is the most dangerous country in Europe.’

Fact: From one of the most civilized countries on Earth, Sweden has been turned into the rape capital of Europe.

After the Swedish parliament unanimously decided to change the formerly homogeneous Sweden into a multicultural country, violent crime has increased by 300% and rapes by 1,472%. Sweden is now number two on the list of rape countries, surpassed only by Lesotho in Southern Africa.

Shootings in Sweden hit a record high last year as authorities are increasingly unable to contain migrant gang crime. There were 46 homicides committed in 335 shootings across the country, with most of them occurring in the migrant hotspots of Malmö, Gothenburg, and Stockholm.

“Swedish residents born in another country have doubled to 2 million in the last two decades, and immigrants now represent one-fifth of all people living in this Scandinavian country, a far higher rate than neighboring countries like Finland, Norway, and Denmark, which have all taken a harder line against immigration,” reports RMX News.

“For the past 40 years, the prime minister’s social democrats have been in power for 28 years, including the last eight.”

After massive riots in Sweden where around 100 police officers were injured, Swedes have realized they have an immigration problem. Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson admitted the failure, saying, “segregation has been allowed to go so far that we have parallel societies in Sweden. We live in the same country but in completely different realities.”


The Danish politician and provocateur Rasmus Paludan of the Danish party Strict Course has angered many Muslims in Denmark by burning the Quran publicly. Recently, he moved his book-burning tour to Sweden, where he holds dual citizenship. Sweden has a much larger Muslim population, and the reaction was far greater and more aggressive.

The Quranic desecration triggered the largest violent riot in Sweden in the modern era, with many injuries and significant material damage to cars and buildings in many cities.

By Paul Joseph Watson



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