Syrian Army And Citizens Block Entry Of Three US Military Convoys In Al-Hasakah

On 15 January, the Syrian Army and residents of three villages in Al-Hasakah governorate intercepted and prevented three US military convoys from entering their villages.

According to local media reports, the first US convoy traveling alongside members of a Syrian armed group was intercepted at a Syrian army checkpoint on the outskirts of the town of Al-Damkhyah.

The second convoy was stopped by soldiers manning a checkpoint near the town of Tal al-Dahab. The third convoy was intercepted jointly by the army and the residents of the village of Al-Salhiyeh.

The reports added that a stand-off developed at the first checkpoint after US soldiers initially refused to turn around and leave the area.

The situation, however, was de-escalated after a Russian military police unit stepped in to mediate between the two sides.

In recent months, the Syrian army, working hand-in-hand with local residents, successfully managed to intercept dozens of illegal US military convoys passing through Al-Hasakah governorate.

In December 2020, nine US convoys were blocked from entering several villages in the region.

On 8 January, a convoy of five US military vehicles was intercepted on the outskirts of Tal Tamir town. Town residents pelted the convoy with stones, forcing it to retreat from the area.

The US military has illegally deployed thousands of its troops to  the northern and northeastern parts of Syria, territories where the majority of the country’s oil and gas fields are located.

The US government claims that its forces are in the area to prevent oil fields from falling into the hands of ISIS.

The government of Syria, however, insists that the US is using its occupation to plunder and loot Syrian wheat and oil.

It says the US uses its proceeds from the sales of looted oil to fund armed groups fighting against Damascus.

Hundreds of US military tankers have recently been spotted transporting stolen Syrian oil to Iraq through the illegal Al-Walid border crossing.

US military convoy in Syria’s Hasakah governorate. (Photo credit: Al Mayadeen)

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