Taiwan Practically Considers Itself “The Next Ukraine” & Seems Strangely Unconcerned – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

The average person wouldn’t so calmly discuss a scenario that could lead to World War III, yet Taiwanese, American, and Japanese representatives seem unfazed about this due to how much they’ve been indoctrinated to believe that their radical political cause of trying to reverse the global systemic transition towards multipolarity is worth risking the future of humanity for.

China’s rogue Taiwan region explained why it sanctioned Russia despite there being almost no trade ties between the two. According to its so-called “Foreign Minister”, “If we are threatened or invaded by force from China in the future, we also hope that the international community will understand Taiwan, support Taiwan, and sanction this kind of aggressive behavior. Therefore, Taiwan stands with the international community and takes these actions.” As RT added in the preceding hyperlink, Beijing implied concern about the US-led West replicating the Ukrainian scenario in East Asia, which coincided with the Japanese Prime Minister speculating about this as well.

Ominously enough, that Taiwanese “diplomat’s” statement can be interpreted as his region practically considering itself “the next Ukraine” and strangely seeming unconcerned about it despite the immense destruction that this could entail. After all, Secretary of State Blinken recently boasted about the $20 billion worth of arms that the US facilitated being transferred to Taiwan in the last half-decade alone and many in Western media are actively speculating about how the proxy war lessons learned from the Ukrainian Conflict can be applied towards a forthcoming Taiwan Conflict. Observers should remember that just like Russia employed military means as a last resort, so too is China likely to do the same.

To explain, Russia’s ongoing special military operation in Ukraine was commenced to uphold the integrity of its national security red lines in that country in particular and in the region more broadly. It was basically launched at the last minute after President Putin realized that the US-led West wasn’t going to respect his country’s security guarantee requests that in hindsight can be seen as the last attempt to diplomatically avert this conflict. By intervening when it did, Russia decisively stopped Ukraine’s US-backed “Weapons of Mass Destruction” (WMD) programs and destroyed NATO’s clandestine bases in that country from which it plotted to soon attack Russia.

Almost the exact same scenario is unfolding in Taiwan. That island is being armed to the teeth just like Ukraine was in order to exploit it as a springboard for attacking the mainland. China prefers to reunify with its rogue region through peaceful means just like Russia wanted to resolve its security dilemma with Ukraine and its NATO patrons in the same way, but might also ultimately be compelled to resort to military means as a last resort too. “The US’ Security Assurances To Finland & Sweden Set A Perilous Precedent” for East Asia if such are also extended to Taiwan, including jointly with increasingly fascist-militaristic Japan, thus amounting to the island’s de facto inclusion in the undeclared “Asian NATO”.

It could be with a guilty conscience that the Japanese Prime Minister warned about this scenario that his own country itself could be silently hoping to see unfold as part of a dangerous game of brinksmanship with China. Taiwan, which would be literally caught in the middle of this likely world-changing crisis, doesn’t even seem all that fazed since its “representatives” appear to have convinced themselves that their Russophobic virtue signaling guarantees that they’ll be supported to the same extent as Kiev has been, which is actually likely what would occur. It might even be with that unprecedented sanctions scenario in mind that Chinese banks are reportedly planning how they’d respond if it happens.

Generally speaking, most people are presumably concerned with self-preservation and not with risking World War III in pursuit of some political goal such as Taiwan’s unofficial steps towards potentially declaring “independence” and thus crossing China’s national security red line that would likely prompt a military response of some kind. This makes that region’s talk about the scenario of clashing with the mainland and the similar such discussions being held within its joint American-Japanese patrons’ societies extremely disturbing since they’re all so casually presuming that this is already inevitable despite everything that would be at stake of it happens.

This observation suggests that those three’s decisionmakers are exhibiting symptoms of psychopathology, or in casual parlance, are psychopaths. The average person wouldn’t so calmly discuss a scenario that could lead to World War III, yet those three’s representatives seem unfazed about this due to how much they’ve been indoctrinated to believe that their radical political cause of trying to reverse the global systemic transition towards multipolarity is worth risking the future of humanity for. With leaders like that at the helm being egged on by similarly psychopathic strategists, there’s actually plenty for everyone in the planet to be seriously concerned about.

By Andrew Korybko
American political analyst

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