Tanzania: Dozens Baptized on Feast of Transfiguration – Orthochristian.com

Bukoba, Tanzania, August 9, 2021

Photo: FacebookDozens of new Orthodox Christians were baptized into Christ on the feast of His holy Transfiguration on August 6 in Tanzania.

“A day full of the light of the Transfiguration of the Savior Christ and the light of the illumination of 52 young Christians,” writes the Friends of the Bukoba Mission in Tanzania.

“The most beautiful day of the eleven months of missionary service was observed today, the day of the Transfiguration at the Monastery of the Transfiguration,” in Bukoba, on the shores of Lake Victoria.

“The place shone from the light of the Transfiguration of the Lord and from the grace of the Holy Spirit upon so many young believers. The Monk Demetrios labored as a missionary, and the result was observed when so many rebirths took place,” the report concludes.

Photo: Facebook

There have been a number of mass Baptisms in Tanzania in the past few years, and several just this year so far. 520 were baptized in February 2019, 230 in January 2020, 80 in January of this year, and there were two mass Baptisms in March of this year.

Photo: Facebook500 copies of an Orthodox prayer book in Swahili, 500 icons of the Savior, 500 icons of the Theotokos, and 500 stickers with the Orthodox cross were sent to the faithful of Tanzania by the Russian Orthodox Church in March.

In July, the priests of the Diocese of Bukoba were given motorcycles to help them visit their many parishes.

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