Terrorists-R-US – Kevin Barrett

When American voters cast their ballots last week, foreign policy was probably not at the top of their list of concerns. Misinformed by mainstream media to the point of virtual cognitive impairment, few Americans understand the devastatingly destructive role their country plays on the world stage. So there is something symbolically apropos about the spectacle of clueless Pennsylvania voters sending a cognitively-impaired senator to Washington to serve under a cognitively-impaired president, while a subset of those voters elected a dead man to state office. Think of it as a new zombie movie: Empire of the Living Dead.

Zombie voters send zombie reps to Washington to pretend to preside over the unravelling of the brain-dead zombie empire. But the real masters of that empire, of course, are the neocon apparatchiks and the oligarchs who own them. It doesn’t much matter who occupies Congress and the White House—the elected government has no real say over decision-making. Even Ivy League political scientists paid to hide that reality are increasingly acknowledging it: Michael Glennon, for example, in National Security and the Double Government, persuasively argues that our elected leaders, like British monarchs, are mere figureheads, not policy-makers.

Since they are irrelevant to actual decision-making, neither the politicians nor the voters who elect them need to know much of anything about what is actually going on in the world. Theirs is not to reason why, but to regurgitate the “public myths” pumped out by the media propaganda machine. That’s why American voters for the most part don’t understand that their own government provoked the war in Ukraine. Nor do they understand that its goal is to cripple Germany and the EU as well as Russia.

West Asia: Terrorists ‘R’ US

Voters know even less about West Asia, where the US is behind an ongoing wave of terrorism in Iran, Pakistan, and most recently Turkey, where a bomb went off Sunday in a heavily-touristed district of central Istanbul, killing six people and injuring more than 80. The Turkish government immediately blamed the US, which arms, funds, trains, and runs the PKK-linked Syrian Kurdish militants behind the bombing.

Why would US leaders unleash terrorism in Turkey? To punish the Turkish government for moving ever-closer to Russia. (The bombing will scare off tourists, an ever-increasing number of whom are Russian, and harm Turkey’s economy.) From Washington’s point of view, Erdogan’s government is fueling the Russian war effort by moving to greatly increase trade with Russia and pay for Russian imports, including energy, in rubles. These moves are not only helping keep Russia afloat, but also threatening NATO cohesion and hastening the arrival of the day that the dollar loses its status as global reserve currency.

The US is also terrorizing Pakistan and Iran because those countries’ leaders, like Erdogan in Turkey, have the audacity to pursue their own national interests. In Pakistan, spooks from the American embassy—Raymond Davis clones— were the hidden hand behind the regime-change operation that overthrew Imran Khan’s government last April. The empire’s minions were punishing Khan for visiting Moscow shortly after Russia launched its SMO in Ukraine, as well as for his shunning the US and its IMF in favor of increased cooperation with the Belt and Road Initiative and Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Since the US-orchestrated electoral coup, Khan’s party has won landslides in regional elections, and its leader is a shoo-in to return to power in the next national elections…assuming he remains alive.

On November 3, Khan miraculously survived a US-inspired assassination attempt. Caught in the crossfire between an MK-Ultra’d “religious fanatic” patsy on one side of his vehicle and a professional sniper firing from the window of a building on the other side, Khan survived only because a heroic bystander grabbed the patsy’s shooting arm, resulting in the bullets hitting Khan’s leg rather than his head or torso. His leg taken out, Kahn hit the floor as the sniper’s bullets whizzed through the space he had just vacated.

Killing Pakistani leaders is all in the day’s work for the CIA and its local stooges like US-installed Prime Minister Shabaz Sharif, interior minister Rana Sanaullah, and ISI honcho Major General Faisal—the three men Khan blames for the assassination attempt. Most Pakistanis believe him. They also believe that several of their past leaders were killed by the CIA, most obviously Gen. Zia ul-Haq, who was building ties with pro-Islam but non-US-approved forces in the region when he was taken out in a rigged plane crash.

US Terror War on Iran

The US terror campaigns against wavering “allies” Turkey and Pakistan are dwarfed by Washington’s decades-old war of terror against the Islamic Republic of Iran. And when it comes to Iran, the terrorists don’t even bother to cover their tracks. When Washington decided to kill the most popular public figure in Iran, Gen. Qasem Soleimani—who like Imran Khan was universally admired for his humble religiosity, impeccable honesty, competence, and charisma—it didn’t bother to create plausible deniability. Instead, the Americans lured Gen. Soleimani to Baghdad with a phony peace offer, than openly murdered him with a US military drone.

Today, the terror war on Iran has morphed into a regime change attempt involving US-paid murderers and thugs spreading chaos and terror under the false pretence that it is all some sort of human rights protest. As I wrote in this month’s Crescent International:

On September 15, Iran signed an agreement to become the ninth full member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), a group of Eurasian nations working together on economic, transit, infrastructure, and energy projects as an end-run around US-controlled institutions. The following day, September 16, protests broke out in several Iranian cities and quickly degenerated into riots. Though the unrest was ostensibly a response to the death of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Iranian woman who suddenly collapsed in judicial custody in unclear circumstances, the disturbances were almost certainly planned in advance by the CIA and its color revolution squad. Absent the Amini affair, the alphabet agency regime-change specialists would have fabricated another pretext… (full article)

The CIA’s regime-change thugs are not winning themselves many friends inside Iran.


Iranian NGOs say that around 17,000 Iranians have been killed by US-backed terrorists, the majority by the MEK, a bizarre hate cult that combines the worst features of ISIS and the Manson Family. Many well-known American figures, including Pompeo and Bolton, have accepted lavish bribes to be seen in public with the MEK lunatics, who are currently spearheading the wave of US-taxpayer-funded violence in Iran.

Is the American War of Terror Working?

Will blowing up civilians in Turkey, plotting to assassinate Pakistan’s all-time most popular leader, and sending thugs into the streets to terrorize Iranians succeed in promoting America’s legitimate national interests? Apparently our Deep State policy-makers think so. The neoconservatives constantly misquote Machievelli by saying “it is better to be feared than to be loved.” But thanks to the neocons, America is growing less feared and more despised. The entire West Asia region resents the way the neocons tried to destroy seven countries in five years in the wake of their 9/11 false flag. The utter failure of the neocon-inspired US wars on Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria has left the mighty Unipolar Empire looking like a paper tiger—and a world-class villain.

While blowing up shoppers in Turkey may scare away a few tourists, and shooting at Imran Khan may startle him and his supporters, and fomenting violence in Iran may unsettle the Iranians, at the end of the day the Turks, Pakistanis, and Iranians are likely to emerge from the current wave of US-fomented violence with a lasting grudge against America and a strong preference for a multipolar order. Once again, the neocons, who pretend to be such ardent American patriots, seem to be hastening the demise of the very empire they claim to champion.

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