The Assassination Attempt On Argentina’s Vice President Cristina Kirchner: What’s To Be Done? – João Humberto Zago

We have to be tolerant of the diversity of ideas, and we cannot allow intolerance against ideas and especially against people who seek the Common Good.

The attack on Vice President Cristina Kirchner of Argentina, carried out by a Brazilian, highlights the avalanche of intolerance that we have in today’s world, fostered by conventional and social media, using social sciences, to promote wars, whether commercial or ideological, but always financed by economic interests. They are proxy wars as in Ukraine, where what is done and make the people perform criminal actions on behalf of their guardians, where they do not incriminate their guardian, saying that what exists are conflicts of ideas, and capital always wins.

It is important to regulate the media, as more and more media are being used to promote hate speech, and the hatred in question is against an inclusive, egalitarian world model where prosperity exists for all.

Today we live in the absurdity of seeing that the prosperity of other people bothers, such as the center of development that Germany had been building with Russia, and the War of Ukraine came with the specific purpose of derailing Germany’s access to gas from Russia. The United States, through NATO, has been fomenting the Ukraine War since the 2014 coup d’état, as well as operating at the same time the Coup in Brazil with the impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff. Crime is due to proxy, it is a seed of the poorly planted, cultivated, waiting for weak minds, who think they are strong, to assume for themselves the risks and responsibilities, paying with their lives for their mistakes. It is a perverse reality that finds supporters because we are living in a world in disarray, where they use this disorder to maintain more disorder and avoid the peace and prosperity of peoples. The prosperity of nations bothers in today’s world.

To be left-wing is to recognize that all people have the right to prosperity, the protection of their markets and their environment, free from external interference. U.S. policy is noted for the degree of internal interference in other countries, even creating ideologies like the Washington Consensus, as if this were the path to the prosperity of nations. The world today is increasingly moving towards the Beijing Consensus, as China has no expansionist projects and respects the public policies of  all countries, and seeks not to interfere in its decisions, limiting economic, social, technological, environmental and cultural cooperation, and Russia has adopted the same stance.

The War in Ukraine was provoked by NATO, which has been fomenting this war since 2014. It is important to repeat that the main objective of the Ukrainian War is to avoid the consolidation of the important economic hub that has been built by Germany and Russia, and the European Union that monitors the dangerous hybrid influences, has not been able to monitor this external influence , which must be combated, because it preaches the  intolerance, the same intolerance that President Jair Bolsonaro preaches in Brazil, and that with the current persistent global crisis, finds a voice in people who are emotionally fragile, and adopt this hate speech paying with their lives  for their actions, without directly incriminating those who promote it. This is the case with the War in Ukraine and so it was with the bombing of Cristina Kirchner. The whole climate of hatred has to be fought, as they create problems that lead to extreme violence and invariably lead to social, regional and global conflicts.

It is important to note that the election of the President of the Republic of Brazil Jair Bolsonaro is a project of the military, which have paired the Brazilian State. There are already 13,000 military personnel in commissioned positions, and the Brazilian Army has achieved expertise in the use of Social Networks, in its deepest aspect, with social and anthropological studies, manipulate public opinion and control the entire Brazilian State.

The Brazilian right treats the left of Latin America as an evil to be fought. With the mantra “We have to fight communism” as if social justice and individual and collective rights were things of communism. The Brazilian right has no solutions to the current crisis that the world is going through, the Brazilian left also has no solution to these problems, but preaches dialogue and conciliation as a permanent response to all problems.

Only with popular participation participating in the discussions of current problems can we overcome the current crisis. It is necessary to empower the citizen so that he is an agent of law and development, because only with the politicization of the individual will we be able to walk the path to the Economy of the Next, which enables the existence of economic law, which is the Common Good.

We have to be tolerant of the diversity of ideas, and we cannot allow intolerance against ideas and especially against people who seek the Common Good. As its name says, protecting the Common Good is the duty of all of us, and its Constitution is built with the daily exercise of the rights that have been conquered after much blood has been shed. It is important to remember that human rights form conquered only after The Second World War, and it is in the daily exercise of these rights that we will find the way to a long period of peace and prosperity.

By João Humberto Zago

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