The Atlantic Alliances Are Ending; The Cold War Is Over – Eric Zuesse

13 February 2025, by Eric Zuesse. (All of my recent articles can be seen here.)

The Cold War started on 25 July 1945, when U.S. President Harry Truman made his final decision for the U.S. Government to reverse his immediate predecessor FDR’s plan for the post-WW2 world (FDR had planned for international relations in the post-WW2 world to be dominated by his invention, the U.N., which would replace all empires — he planned this because he knew that both World Wars had been CAUSED by competing empires; so, all empires must be ended). Truman aimed instead for the U.S. Government itself to ultimately conquer — by subterfuges, coups, blockades, military invasions, or whatever means would be needed — the Soviet Union, because: (as Truman had been advised by both Winston Churchill and General Eisenhower) if the U.S. wouldn’t take over the world, the Soviet Union would. Like Hitler, who aspired for his country to become the world’s first-and-only all-inclusive global empire, Truman had this same intention but knew that it couldn’t be attained within his own lifetime. FDR’s carefully planned win-win global future based upon the U.N. and its democratically created international laws, thus became replaced by Truman’s purely win-lose global future (what nowadays — in the Americanized version of Hitler’s plan — is called “neoconservatism”) based on America’s power backing up U.S.-dictated-and-imposed “international rules” (popularized as “the international rules-based order). I documented all of this on three separate occasions, listed here in increasing order of complexity, linked-to as being: 25 July 1945, 25 July 1945, 25 July 1945.

The next big event was on 24 February 1990 when U.S. President GHW Bush made the decision not to honor his Administration’s and his colonies’ (‘allies’) repeated verbal promises to Gorbachev’s team, to never expand NATO if and when East Germany would be absorbed into West Germany, and the Soviet Union would end, and its dictatorship would end — all of which then did happen — and on that date, 24 February 1990, Bush started privately telling each of America’s colonial stooge-leaders that, secretly, the Cold War was to continue on the U.S.-and-‘allied’ side, which was done. The war in Ukraine was started in 2014 by President Obama as the long-planned-for final stage of this U.S. war against Russia. So, it has been a major U.S. imperial operation. As-of 12 February 2025, it is over; it has failed.

This purely win-lose international world order — started by Truman and retained by the first Bush — has actually ended on February 12th, as documented by my “Russia has now won the war in Ukraine.” And, the next day, February 13th, I headlined “Further Evidence U.S. Has Capitulated to Russia on Ukraine”. A reader at one of the sites that publish my articles, commented that this is no big deal because Trump is such a liar, and because this Cold War mentality “has been going on since 1945 at least.” I replied:

Your “since 1945 at least” is actually since 25 July 1945, when Truman made the decision for the Cold War to start. It ended on 12 February 2025. Everything else will be mere formalities. Trump made the decision on 12 February 2025, and it reverses what had — up to that point — been Trump’s intention to FORCE Russia to lose the war in Ukraine. He reversed his (and Biden’s, and especially Obama’s) policy on Ukraine — that’s gone. Therefore, from here on, Putin will cooperate with Trump to end the war in Ukraine on terms that will be favorable to BOTH RUSSIA AND THE UNITED STATES, even though it will be a victory for Russia, against the Democratic Party in the United States (which Trump will make sure gets all the blame). This will not only serve Russia, and not only serve America, and not only serve the Republican Party, but it will cast all the blame upon only the Democrats, while ‘history’ will be rewritten to whitewash the nearly equal guilt of Republican U.S. officials. But it will be Russia’s victory over the U.S. regime, waged in the battlefields of Ukraine, by Russian troops and weapons, against the U.S. empire’s weapons and Ukrainian troops. And history will never forget this, because from here on out, “the Atlantic Alliance” starts to fall apart, and the U.S. empire now clearly and indisputably is in decline.

So, yes, this change of direction for the U.S. regime ends an 80-year Cold War by the U.S. regime against first the Soviet regime and then the Russian Government. Even a cultural sickness that is 80 years old might be able to end peacefully instead of in a WW3 that would virtually annihilate life on Earth. It can happen. It isn’t impossible. Nor is it inevitable. But I believe that it has actually happened.

I have devoted my career to identifying and documenting major turning-points in history. I do this because nobody else specializes in this, and because unless this is correctly (100% truthfully) done, understanding history is impossible.


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s latest book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.

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Photograph of President Truman signing the document implementing the North Atlantic Treaty at his desk in the Oval Office, as a number of dignitaries look on: (left to right) Sir Frederick Hoyer Millar, Chargé d’affaires, United Kingdom; Ambassador Henrik de Kauffmann of Denmark; W. D. Matthews, Charge d’Affaires, Canada; Secretary of Defense Louis A. Johnson; Ambassador Wilhelm Munthe de Morgenstierne of Norway; Ambassador Henri Bonnet of France; Baron Robert Silvercruys, Ambassador of Belgium; Ambassador Pedro Teotónio Pereira of Portugal; Secretary of State Dean Acheson; Jonkheer O. Reuchlin, Chargé d’affaires, the Netherlands; and Mario Lucielli, Chargé d’affaires, Italy.

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