Jerusalem, Al-Quds is the mirror of the world. Whatever happens in occupied Jerusalem, it reflects on the world in one way or another. During the Holy Month of Ramadan and during Holy Week and Orthodox Christianity Easter, the clashes in Jerusalem intensified. Armed terrorists of the Zionist entity who present themselves as official military, break into houses, mosques, churches, they are violent and they show any respect for anyone. At the same time, Zionists demand to be treated as special, important and better than others. This is racism. Collective West supports Zionist / Jewish racism.
Another Quds Day past in violent atmosphere, created by Zionist entity’s occupational armed forces. While Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Bahrain, Kashmir, Nigeria, South Africa, Canada, China and many other countries and regions were marking Quds Day yesterday, occupied Jerusalem /Quds was suffering more atrocities. Old city was stormed and Al-Aqsa Compound was desecrated again. 42 people were injured. Three hundred Palestinians were injured in the last two weeks.
In the last hundred years, the Zionists are allowed to do everything which is forbidden by the law for the majority of world population. The exceptionalism they are given creates fertile ground for in-bedded injustice for all the others. Injustice gets normalized, the values get upside-down and all that brings illegal settlers to behave like wild beasts toward indigenous people in occupied Palestine.
Balance of military power in Western Asia changes very fast, Zionists and structures that support them in various countries and international institutions are well aware of that fact. That is why, there has been another set of repeating the same delusional things for years: it is all about Palestinians, it is them who are terrorists, it is them who do not want peace, etc… Actually, it is Zionists who occupied Palestine, imposed colonial and terrorist kind of behaviour toward indigenous people of Palestine. Zionists are the best in fear mongering the world. Because they are very aware what everything they have been doing for a long time, they put lots of effort to divert all attention from their own wrongdoings by the help of refined and zealous propaganda machinery and networks spreading around the world. Zionist entity is part of the “Empire of Lies”.
In His addressing on the occasion of International Quds Day, Ayatollah Ali Khamanei stated: “Even though the Zionist regime is out of breath, it continues to commit crimes and kill innocent people with its weapons. It murders unarmed women, children, the elderly, and the youth. It imprisons and tortures them, destroys houses, and demolishes farms and property. The liars in Europe and the US who make extravagant claims about human rights and who created a commotion on the issue of Ukraine keep silent in the face of all these crimes in Palestine. They do not defend the innocent people, but they also help that bloodthirsty wolf.”
It is not possible to un-see and delete the long history of terrorism and organized crime which Zionist entity vastly uses as political, diplomatic and social tools. That is why they are frustrated and frightened – and they have reason to be, as they assassinate Palestinian infants, elderly people, young people, men, women. They also deprived many Ethiopians of citizenship, after they served the only purpose being part-time labour force. Zionist entity should be brought to International War Crimes Court for genocide, apartheid and many other atrocities. Its citizens should be also brought to the civilian courts in various countries for sabotages, interventions and infiltration.
Unfortunately, UN lost any credibility in the process of resolving conflicts, implement its own resolutions and overseeing implementation of various accords and agreements on the territory of occupied Palestine. Zionist entity destroys United Nations as organization by mistreating and misusing it, without any consequences and with political immunity to do whatever it finds convenient.
On April 26th UN SC meeting on the developments in the Western Asia (colonial expression: The Middle East) was held in New York. After the meeting, the ambassador of the Zionist entity held press conference. He said that whatever happens in occupied Palestine (colonial expression: Israel) is the responsibility of Palestinians. He added that Collective West (colonial expression: international community) is detached from reality and that, if violence grows in occupied Palestine – West bank, Gaza or East Jerusalem, Palestinians should be held responsible.
Palestinians are also held responsible even for the open and violent attacks by illegal Zionist settlers, who kill Palestinians and take away their houses, businesses, agricultural land, etc. Illegal settlers and Zionist armed terrorist forces representing themselves as military are very well synchronized in attacks, false flags, psychological operations and other tools for oppressing in apartheid. But, at the same time, as Sayyid Hashim al-Haidari pointed out during Quds Day Live session on Islamic Pulse TV: “… The israeli army is terrified and afraid of everything that surrounds it and everything that is facing it… The israeli army, with all its weapons and greatness is terrified of the youth, the youth of Palestine…”
While State of Palestine is not allowed to have military and armed forces, Zionists are arming illegal settlers. Global Resistance Movement, entire Islamic Ummah and entirety of canonical local Orthodox Christian Churches should get united in the initiative to label illegal Zionist settlers in occupied Palestine – a global terrorist group. It should be labeled a global terrorist group, because illegal settler do arrive from various parts of the world to become Zionist entity’s citizens.
International Quds Day is becoming International Quds Day Movement which is possible to be achieved only in multipolar world by uniting all the forces against evil of the “Empire of Lies”.