The Central Bank Digital Dollar Is Coming: Prepare For Totalitarian Domination – Mac Slavo SHTF Plan

The United States nonprofit Digital Dollar Project said on Monday it will launch five pilot programs over the next 12 months to test the potential uses of a U.S. central bank digital currency.  This is a huge part of their plan: a fully centralized digital currency where freedom and privacy are nonexistent.

This is the first effort of its kind in the United States. If the ruling classes are successful in convincing the masses they need the CBDC (central bank digital currency) the best you can do is prepare for totalitarian enslavement.  Every transaction you make will be tracked and traced. Any time they decide you have to pay some taxes, they’ll just take it.  Want to speak out against the slavery that is government? Fine, they’ll cut off your digital wallet. It’s coming unless we wake up and quickly.

The private-sector pilots initially will be funded by Accenture Plc (ACN.N) and involve financial firms, retailers and NGOs, among others. The aim is to generate data that could help U.S. policymakers [the ruling class] develop a digital dollar. –Reuters

This beast system is getting a boost and they are going to make this sound utterly delightful. Sadly, some will willingly agree to be slaves to the banking cartel and ruling class.

“There are conferences and papers coming out every week around the world on CBDCs based on data from other countries,” said Christopher Giancarlo, former chair of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and co-founder of the Digital Dollar Foundation. “What there is not, is any real data and testing from the United States to inform that debate. We’re seeking to generate that real-world data,” Giancarlo added.

David Treat, a senior managing director at Accenture, said CBDCs would exist alongside other forms of physical and electronic money, rather than replace them. But we’ve already seen a push to get rid of cash becasue it’s difficult to track and tax a cash transaction between two people.

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Getting everyone on a digital dollar system would ensure that breaking away from the two tier society they are also fashioning right now would be impossible. Being free would be something that in a few generations, no one will ever talk about. It’s time to wake up to what’s going on.  They want us on this planet only if we agree to be slaves and give up everything including the most important thing: our free will.

Use your critical thinking. Does anyone honestly think central banks were set up for our intrest? Does anyone think that a CBDC fully controlled by the rulers of the planet will be good step for humanity? This is yet another puzzle piece to the overall New World Agenda that’s magically falling right into place. Coincidence?

The post The Central Bank Digital Dollar Is Coming: Prepare For Totalitarian Domination first appeared on SHTF Plan – When It Hits The Fan, Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You.
The United States nonprofit Digital Dollar Project said on Monday it will launch five pilot programs over the next 12 months to test the potential uses of a U.S. central bank digital currency.  This is a huge part of their plan: a fully centralized digital currency where freedom and privacy are nonexistent.
The post The Central Bank Digital Dollar Is Coming: Prepare For Totalitarian Domination first appeared on SHTF Plan – When It Hits The Fan, Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You.
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