Guest Post by CCRider

I’ll be eternally grateful to Ayn Rand. When I read Atlas Shrugged shortly after college in the mid-1970s it redirected my life. Her works liberated me. I had come to realize that public schooling was in large part obedience training programmed to create contented tax slaves and dead soldiers. Rand taught me to be a sovereign individual and I remain one fifty years hence. I dedicated my life to her admonition to “Place nothing above the verdict of your own mind”.

When the COVID storm was thrust upon us last year I was instantly on guard. Here were Big Pharma and Bill Gates owned bureaucrats screaming virus in a crowded hospital. It had all the earmarks of a government psy-op. Do what you’re told, abandon what’s left of your constitutional rights, let us use a good crisis to our sole benefit or you’re all going to die. It was right out of the Hegelian playbook.

Still, there is an (engineered) nasty virus out there and at seventy-two I’m more susceptible to its harm than when I wore a younger man’s clothes. The survival rate for people in our seventies is 94.6. That’s still an A in any school I ever attended and it includes the deaths of those with comorbidities primarily obesity and type 2 diabetes. So, I reasoned not having either condition I was pretty safe.

One of the wondrous effects of employing Rand’s admonition is that it requires one to do his own due diligence. A verdict requires investigation. After studying the facts from all sides I decided prudent steps were in order. Lots of older people die from the flu. There would be no harm and perhaps a significant benefit for going on a health kick.

I switched to a largely vegan diet. I still eat meat but in much fewer quantities than before. I eat lots of vegetables, beans and green salads. I drink at least five glasses of water a day, including one with every meal. Water irrigates the kidneys which is a crucial element to good immune health. Every morning I drink a cleanse made up of citrus juices, fresh ginger, honey, cayenne, and Tumeric. For lunch, I have a mixture of grains, nuts, ground flaxseed, fresh fruit, and berries with almond milk. This aids gut health, another crucial component of a healthy immune system. Finally, I go for a 40-minute walk daily. It worked. I lost 25 pounds and I feel great. I feel no need to poison my healthy body with Fauci’s evil concoction.

The last element of my regimen is taking vitamins. I take B-12 (important for vegans) C, Zinc, and especially vitamin D. The thrust of my message here is to get the TBP family to look hard at the amazing benefits of Vitamin D and its role in immune health. It’s actually not a vitamin at all but a hormone. My investigation has convinced me that a high Vitamin D level will make you bulletproof from COVID. The evil Fauci let slip that he takes high doses of D in one interview. He then went on to promote remdesivir, a useless treatment for COVID but for the benefit of his Big Pharma masters who rake in $3,200 a treatment.

An interesting fact is that we metabolize Vitamin D from sunshine. We’ve been told sunshine is an enemy of good health. It is precisely the opposite, so mom was right all along. It is no coincidence that flu seasons happen during the colder months when the sun is less radiant and when we spend much less time outside unless fully clothed. You can find peer-reviewed studies of the incidence of low D levels of COVID patients causing elevated symptoms and greater fatalities. Think of what being lockdowned inside your homes actually accomplishes.

It’s an interesting fact that darker-skinned people metabolize sunshine into D much less efficiently than lighter-skinned people. Over eighty percent of blacks and nearly seventy percent of Hispanics suffer from low levels of D. Do you find it odd that these hack politicians who spout a constant stream of ‘white supremacy’ and promote reverse racism because of their love for people of color are totally silent on this crucial point, in fact, suppress it? I’m not. Biden and Harris have sent trainloads of black and Hispanic men into bondage. Obscuring this fact is consistent with that history.

There is plenty of information on this subject so please do your own study, especially if you are older or have comorbidities. I include a video I found enlightening to get you started. I am not a doctor, nor a scientist. I care about the TBP family and I want us all to survive and carry on the fight for liberty. If you saw Senator Paul’s grilling of Fauci recently on ‘gain of function’ research you know more lethal viruses are on the way. I won’t trust Bill Gates to protect me but I will rely on my miraculous immune system properly maintained.

Good luck and God bless.

Guest Post by CCRider I’ll be eternally grateful to Ayn Rand. When I read Atlas Shrugged shortly after college in the mid-1970s it redirected my life. Her works liberated me. I had come to realize that public schooling was in large part obedience training programmed to create contented tax slaves and dead soldiers. Rand taught … Continue reading “The Cheap Miracle Cure They’re Hiding From Us”
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