The Circus Of The West. “The Unreality Bubble” – Karsten Riise

The fall of Bakhmut right on Zelensky’s visit to G7 in Japan is a complete humiliation of the West. All NATO is run down. But for all their defeats, US and Western deceptions rave on.

Deceptions of US Media

Just pretend that Bakhmut didn’t fall or that it doesn’t matter.

Just pretend that US Patriot systems cannot be destroyed. US media excel in misleading their audience.

Russia’s destruction of the Patriot air defense, if true, is a catastrophe for the US. Izvestia today 21 May 2023 described in detail how Russia did it, and in a convincing way. But the US denies that as well.

Pretend also that China will do the US’ bidding relative to Russia. That’s absurd, so the US pretends it anyway.

US media are brazen. Not only do they censor the fact that Ukraine lost Bakhmut – they even make a fake story about Ukraine making advances in “Bakhmut suburbs“. What “suburbs”? Ukraine took a bit of empty farmland north and south of Bakhmut some days ago, and that advance has even been checked. Deliberately, US media misguide their readers.

US media excel in deception.

US Has No Legitimacy

Long ago, I started to see state-directed falsehoods disseminated in Western media. It has only become worse. And these falsehoods are then taken as “truths” by politicians, analysts, etc.

What is the advantage of the West? What puts the West in a “better” position than, say, Russia?

The West, its politicians, media, even public live in an unreality-bubble. Strange that precisely the countries which claim to have the only “free” and “trustworthy” media are so active in disinformation and deception that they have put even themselves out of connection with reality.

The non-West is not Fooled

Just heard from Africa this morning. They know precisely what is going on, and where the World is heading. Africa sees the fall of Western hegemony. Africa also sees through the West’s lies about “helping” Africa, and how the US is right now deliberately creating African suffering by sabotaging the electrical supply of nuclear power plants in South Africa. Don’t expect too much friendliness from Africa towards the West when Western power fades.

G7 has become a circus. Travelling around to Hiroshima and other towns with its public performance. But it’s just for entertainment. As Western power unravels, many in the rest of the World will find it even more entertaining.

Karsten Riise is a Master of Science (Econ) from Copenhagen Business School and has a university degree in Spanish Culture and Languages from Copenhagen University. He is the former Senior Vice President Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Mercedes-Benz in Denmark and Sweden.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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